A Knock

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   It was 10:00 at night when I was laying on my couch almost sleep until someone knocked on my back door and interrupted my dreams. All I could wonder who could this be at this time of night? I opened the door in fear not knowing who it was. I opened the door in shock and surprised it was my old old friend Lashay. I started to think not mknowing what to say I haven't seen her in years I didn't know where to start. So I said why are you here at this time of night?? Lashay said I wanted to see you and to say I'm sorry. I told her to come in. All I was thinking was what is she talking about? I said sorry for what? What did you do? Don't you remember she said I told her no I was getting very angry so I yelled tell me.
   Lashay began telling me 3 years ago on this exact day I stopped being your Best Friend when I should have fought to stay in your life. All I could do was laugh. She was crying and she asked why was I laughing I told her it was to late and I moved on. We were suppose to be Best Friends forever at that time all I cried because we made a promise that nothing would keep us from being friends but something did.
   Lashay was crying even more as she was trying to apologize she was interrupted by a knock at the back door. I opened the door it was a man holding a knife and he was wearing a cloak. I ran in panic Lashay screamed DON'T KILL US PLEASE!! We ran upstairs and found him again in my bedroom he started chasing us with the knife trying to stab us and another man came and he had a knife and they both were chasing us until finally one of us was caught and stabbed..........


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