Violets Introduction

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Violets POV

My day started off as any other normal day. I woke up, texted my fashion expert friend Lacy my outfit for her approval. Now I personally don’t care how I look. If it were up to me I’d just put on my favorite comfy T-shirt and a pair of jeans but because my friend is Lacy I have to look nice. She’s one of the populars and even though I’m personally not one, Lacy is, and we always hang out so I have some high expectations for what I look like. Of course my outfit got rejected. It took me two more try’s to get her approval. After that I rushed down, gulped down my breakfast of a small bowl of soggy corn flakes, and grabbed my lunch from the counter that my step mother made earlier and hopped in my old, beat up, yellow buggy. I raced down the streets in that old beat up to my school. After I parked my car I sprinted into my first period classroom and sat next to Lacy. We had 2 hours of math until break. That part was all completely normal. I love math but Lacy thinks it’s a stupid waste a time and we never would need this crap in real life. I’m more of a follower so I don’t really argue much with her but it’s one of my favorite subjects. Mr.Letty, our teacher, is an amazing teacher who is both funny and practical. I admired him and looked up to him but of course Lacy said he was a shitty teacher who never made any sense.  During class we got assigned partners for a project about algebraic expressions. Lacy got paired up with brad, the "hot" football star player who she mooned over. I ended up getting a nice girl from my middle school named Dakota Hills. She’s a straight A student and she’s fun, nice, and quirky. What happened after 2 hours of complete fun (for me at least) was the unordinary event. I was just casually talking to Lacy about Algebraic expressions and how I really love them when I saw HIM. I literally stopped in my tracks. Now I know that sounds like something that only happens in movies but it was true. I just stopped and looked. Lacy shook my shoulder and said, "what are you looking at Violet?” Then she looked towards the guy I was staring at and snickered, "isn't that new kid a weird one. Better avoid him." she pulled me away but right then he looked at me and we made eye contact. His eyes were beautiful stormy gray eyes that were full of knowledge and mischief. He had an amazingly attractive mouth that twitched up into a smile. He had shaggy dark brown hair and a small adorable nose. He winked at me and I quickly jerked away and continued down the hall with Lacy to our usual spots at the popular table. I always feel awkward sitting there because all they ever do is gossip.   Today Lacy started it. She called out to gretchelin, the girl across from us, some complete lie. "Hey gretch" she started, "did you hear about that new kid, from Westbury high. He’s a transfer." 

"Yeah" Gretchelin replied casually," apparently his mom died from cancer and his dad ditched him when he was a kid so now he like lives with his grandma. How pathetic" 

"That’s horrible! “I exclaimed to them.

"It’s not that bad" Lacy remarked, "What’s worse is that American Eagle closing for repairs!!!" 

"Really? Now that’s horrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Brittany, Chloe, Gretchelin, Amanda, and Hope all gushed.

That REALLY annoyed me. I swear that their heads are in the wrong place. After that they just kept on talking about more stuff like that not even caring about that poor guy. He was now cute and he had a backstory. Now I just needed to find out his Name. He might not have mattered to all of those populars but I was determined. I was going to find out about him and get to know him. I started pondering about him a little. Just then our schools bell rang so I started to run off to my next class, history, when I saw him sit down in an empty seat in my class. There was an empty seat next to him and he looked at me then to the seat, then at me again. He was signaling me to it. I could feel it. I left Lacy behind and went to that new mysterious seat. Lacy gave me a mega glare when I walked past my normal seat next to her. I'd probably pay for that later but right now the mystery boy with the sad backstory was on my mind. The late bell rang and our teacher started asking. Me and the boy kept on stealing looks at each other. Once I even caught him staring at me and I started to blush. After another hour of lecturing the bell rang. FINALLY! That’s when things started to get interesting.

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