Dustins story

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Dustin’s POV

Before I tell you my story I think you should know some things about me. For starters I've had a very dark, checkered past. Lots of death and tragedy. That has helped shape me so I think you should now just a few of the details about my past. Where should I begin? How about when I was 5 years old and lived in Las Angeles. The day my dad left me. 

I remember this night crystal clear as if it happened yesterday. I still think about it every day. The winter night was cold and breezy. I could barely see any stars in the clouded night sky. My dad used to drink a lot. He was a drug addict and a major alcoholic. He was also very harsh to my mom and I. One night he came back from the bar even worse than normal. Reeking of alcohol and drugs he ordered my mom to go him  a beer. She was going to but then I told him to back off her. That got him really pissed. I got slapped in the face really hard. It really hurt and left a big mark. That was enough for my mom. She called the police after an argument with him. He left before they showed up and I haven’t seen him since.

That day is permanently etched into my brain. Knowing the fact that my father abused us and then ran away like a coward, to scared to even face the consequences. It’s horrible. My mom has been everything to me since then. We've done everything together. Then 2 summers ago she got a cut while chopping up fruit. It just wouldn't stop bleeding so we went to the hospital. She said she had been really sore lately but hadn't thought to much of it. The doctors did some tests and after a week the results came in.

 My mom has had leukemia cancer for a long time. It was caught very late and there was very little that the doctors could do to her. They tried as hard as they could to help her but it was just to late. She spent the last year of her life getting treatments that were supposed to cure her. Over winter break she died. I became very distant from my school and friends. My neighbors have been watching over me but thy decided I should go to my grandparents. Its February so the school years already started. I just moved here this weekend and I know no one. I feel like I’m restarting my life.

Then Monday happened. I was trying to be normal but there was so much gossip going around. Everyone was making up lies about my past. I kept getting glares from everyone I saw. Everyone except the girl from History. She even sat by me instead of her friend. Well at least I think it was her friend. The friend  tjat beckoned to her but she mean and popular. A deadly combination. The girl who caught my attention had messy brown hair put up in a bun, freckles, a cute upturned nose and beautiful hazel, green eyes. She was wearing really preppy clothes but I don’t think that was her choice. She looked like the kind of girl who would wear sweats and old band shirts. I wondered what music she would like? Rap or country or rock? Anyway, back to the scene. Her friend kept glaring at her and me. I kept staring at her. She even caught me staring at her! That was so embarrassing. I even blushed. Then I got even more embarrassed and I turned away. Anyways, I thought I should go talk to her. If I had known what would have happened later I probably wouldn't have.

Anyways, the bell rang and I made up my mind. I’ve never felt this way about a girl before. My stomach was fluttering with nervousness and excitement. I mustered up all of my confidence and I walked over to her.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2014 ⏰

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