What if Grian was Yandere?!

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So this is what would happen if Grian was a yandere. The reason why I'm doing this is because Everyone in chapter 7, keeps saying that Grian was a yandere. WICH DIDNT HAPPEN. It didn't happen because some plans changed, and I Didn't wanna do that. Because 1 The book would end a lot faster 2 Too much work!

So if Grian was a Yandere, then what would happen? Well that is what this chapter Is for! :D Hope you enjoy!


"Ha.. Ha.. Sam and Yuki together just breaks my heart.." Grian laughed quietly, the dark room that he was in was fairly dark. The moon shined through the slightly opened curtain, gleaming on the knife in front of him. "Just do it Grian! If you don't then you will regret it."

He got up and put on a sweatshirt, he flipped the hoodie up and grabbed the knife, and got out of his apartment. He began walking around until he saw her house, "Perfect she lives alone." It was only 8:30. Maybe I can kidnap her then force Sam to meet me there. Grian nodded to himself.


"Hello?" Sam said. It was Yuki calling him or so he thought, "Hey Sam~" Grian said. How did? "How did you get Yuki's phone?"

"Listen. I have her right now up here on the school rooftop. If you ever wanna see her, your precious blossom. Meet me up here, or else she will die.. Painfully. All you have to do is meet me up here! Bye senpai!"

The call ended then Sam began to text Silly to meet her at his house with her mom and dad.

The doorbell rang, and Sam hurried down, "Change into these. We must move. Now hurry!" After Sam changed into the swat suit, he put on a helmet then headed to the school with them.

"Remember. Don't fire please.." Sam begged. They all nodded then busted open the door. Sam was the first one to walk out, he looked everywhere and found Grian close to the edge holding Yuki, a knife to her neck.

"Oh! You're here!" Grian said. He put the knife to Yuki's cheek and watched her beautiful tears fall down, "Grian remove the knife." Okami said. Grian's eyes turned a hint of red, and his pupils became smaller. Okami nodded at Sam, and he took off his helmet. "Grian, please put the knife away."

Grian then covered Yuki's mouth then cut her cheek, "Your beautiful Blossom, being pierced to death! So beautiful!" He said and licked the blood off of her cheek, "You're crazy Grian." Sam quietly said, trying not to trigger Grian. "What was that? Smapai?" Sam aimed his gun then yelled, "You're crazy!"

Grian's head twitched, "I'm not Crazy! I love you Sam! You're my senpai, the one I truly desire!" Silly motined Okami and Rowan to back off a little bit, Grian let go of Yuki then Yuki ran to Sam.

"If you won't love me.. Then.. I'll.." Grian began to walk forward, "KILL YOU!" Grian laughed crazily then ran over to Yuki then stabbed her in the gut, she screamed then fell to the floor, "Sam.. You're beautiful blossom died In the palm of your hands!" Grian took out the knife then stood on the edge.

"I love you so much Sammy. I cannot live without you loving me..." He stabbed the knife into his side, "Goodbye, Samuel." Grian began to slightly stumble then fell off the roof, "GRIAN!" Sam screamed running over, finding Grian at the bottom, blood started pouring out of him. "NO!" Sam yelled tears falling.

Sirens began to ring in Sam's ears, red and blue lights flashed in the distance. Right in front of his eyes. Grian suicided.


That is why Grian or Sam became Yanderes. Hopefully that answered everyone's question!


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