Kiss & Tell

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Regina's p.o.v

After Emma left, I called Mary and invited her over to tell her about 'The David situation' and she told me she would be here in 30 minutes so I decided to grade some tests until she comes. I was nervous I didn't know how to break it to her, lot's of questions popped in my head like if she doesn't believe me or asks me some weird questions or details.

She came over we had a small chat about our day, she asked me where Emma was and I told her that she was out with Graham for business, and I just thought I had to open the topic and get it over with and so I did.

"Listen Mary, I need to talk to you about something, something very important.." I said worriedly.

"What is it Regina?" She replied curiously and put her drink on the table.

"Is there something wrong between you and Emma?" She asked

" Umm, no we're fine, it's about David actually." I spoke.

" David?"

"Yea, Mary, Remember when Emma and I fought? The day she slept with that guy, you and David were over-"

"Yes Regina, I remember that day very well, what happened?"

She sounded weird, it's like she knew what I was going to say.

"Umm.. Mary, David made a move on me." I said hesitantly.

"He what?" She emphasized.

"Yea, when you were having that chat with Emma, and we were in the kitchen-"

"And how did you react to it?" She cut me off.

"I backed away of course, and you know I would never do such thing to you."

"Mmm.. Regina I need to get going." She stood up took her purse and went towards the door.

I stood up walked behind her and said with a weak smile "Listen I'm gonna give you some space to process it, but I'll call you okay?"

She opened the door and said "I think it would be better if we don't talk for a while."

"Mar-" And I was interrupted by the door slam.

I sat back down and sighed, running a hand through my hair, I couldn't wait for Emma to come back home so that I can lay down next to her because I know she would make me feel better, so I went upstairs , read a book and waited for Emma to come back.

Emma's p.o.v

The kiss.. It wasn't that long, and it certainly wasn't the kind of kiss you see in movies these days, but it was weird in its own way, I felt giddy, I backed away immediately , don't get me wrong , I didn't expect it nor wanted it to happen, but there was something different about it , it had a bit of a.. spark , I haven't been kissed by a male since college maybe that's why it felt different. Regina and I have kissed, a lot, different ways, different places, but this one kept me thinking about it. I feel completely guilty, of course, why wouldn't I feel guilty? I was cheating on my soulmate, or is she not my soulmate? What the hell, she is my soulmate, we've been through too much and I know that I love her, but that stupid kiss made me doubt everything in life, it turned my life upside down. Now, things are worse, I thought everything would be over and I wouldn't have to lie to her anymore, and if I tell her about it she would never forgive me, I mean if I were in her place I wouldn't forgive me, I have no clue on how to deal with this, if I were going to tell her, it would definitely not be today, a lot has happened and I needed some rest.

I go back home and go upstairs to the bedroom finding Regina laying on the bed with a book in her hands and her reading glasses on.

"Hey." I say and crack a small smile feeling extremely guilty.

"Heyyy, you're finally back, how did it go?" She sits up straight takes off her glasses and puts the book on the nightstand.

"It was... fine, I guess." I reply.

"How did it go with you?" I say trying to change the subject


"She didn't believe you did she?"

Regina sighs then replies " I don't know,I mean I think she believed me but didn't want to admit it to herself, I mean you know how much she loves and trusts him and to find out about such a thing, the person youthought is the 'one' for you does stabs you in the back, It's just.."

" Yea I get you" ' Believe me I do..' " But what do you think she'll do now? Do you think they will break up?" I ask worriedly

"I hope not, I won't allow it I just think he's confused or something I mean he loves Mary he would never do this to her" Regina explains. I think it over and just nod then go to change my into something comfortable . After I'm done I go to bed and lay down next to Regina.

"Night Regina" I say and yawn

" Night Emma" I hear then fall asleep .

*Meanwhile with Mary and David, Mary's pov*

"I'm back!" I shout closing the door behind me and entering the house looking for David.

"I'm in the kitchen honey." He replies

I put my purse on the table and nervously walk into the kitchen hesitant whether to confront him or not, I wasn't so shocked about what Regina told me, it wasn't the first time I hear rumors about David laying eyes on other women or even touching them, just thinking about it makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Is everything okay?" He asks.

"Yea , of course why wouldn't it be." I say cracking a fake smile.

After dinner we sat in the living room talking about our day , I couldn't handle it and keep everything inside anymore so I decided to ask him and so I did

"David, did you try to cheat on me with Regina?"

A/N : hey everyone I'm very sorry i haven't updated in months but i promise ill stay active so keep reading and you'll enjoy it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2016 ⏰

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