Chapter Two

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         Arriving at the hospital, the clouds turned grey and before you even knew it, it started raining. Looking how little dots turning into bigger dots as the seconds go by on the concrete. Funny to think that earlier it was just sunny, the birds chirping and nature standing still, enjoying the sun. And now..the birds are puffed up and trying to find a place where they can find shelter until it stops raining. The tree's are moving side to side in agony as the wind blows. 

           The change of the weather is a good example on how things can change in a matter of days, hours, minutes or even seconds. Sometimes there's no sunshine at the end of a storm. All there is left is broken houses and the rain will go nonstop. 

            Walking through the automatic twin doors, the warmth wraps around my body immediately. I sighed in content and head to the receptionist desk. 

          "Hello welcome to Memorial Hospital, how can I help you?" The brown haired receptionist smiled at me as she waited for my response. 

        I smiled back, "Hi, I am here for the community hours? I called not so long ago and they said I could help with some kids in need." 

       She typed onto the computer and in a matter of seconds she smiled and nodded," Oh yes! I though you wouldn't come at all." 

        I frowned, "Why wouldn't I come?"

        The lady stood up from her chair and mentioned me to follow her. The walls are covered in mostly big windows, making the main room look so gloomy. What isn't covered in big windows are either artistic paintings or nothing at all. We stood in front of the elevator waiting for the doors to open, and once it did we got inside and she hit the button level 3. 

       "Some people are too compassionate and whenever they see small patients with a disability, they just can't help themselves. Some others don't know how to communicate with them," she smiled sadly, "I hope that you are neither. Have you had any personal situation like this?" 

       I opened my mouth but closed it. The black and white memories cross through my head, almost making my eyes water. But I couldn't show my emotion. They wouldn't let me get my community hours, and I really need it. 

        I nod, "Sadly yes, I have. But, that's all in the past now."

      The elevator opens, and we enter a much brighter room. Filled with colorful flowers and toys. The walls are covered in pastel colors and there are paintings of children hung everywhere. The room looks like a small apartment made for just small little adults.

    "Good," the lady walked fast across the room and I stumbled through my feet just to catch up to her. She wrote something onto a small white paper and gave it to me, and we continued walking. "Hang that somewhere were anyone could see it. That's a permission card, saying that you could enter this room only without any trouble." 

      I nodded and hanged it onto a small pocket that my shirt had. She stopped out of nowhere and i almost crashed into her. Thankfully, I stopped right in time. We stood in front of a glass window, staring at a little boy playing with a toy as he laid on his bed. I looked at her, and she is smiling. 

        "I am going to leave you with him. I have things to do." She said and started walking back to the elevator. I stared at her back wide-eyed, knowing nothing of what I am supposed to do. 

       "Miss! What-" I stumbled into words, not knowing what to say either. She turned around. 

     "Just be yourself." With that she left me, staring at the boy she was once smiling at. I slowly opened the door, somewhat scared of the little boy. I am never good at starting conversations with people, less alone with small kids. Plus, this is a special kid. I can't say anything that will make him sad or feel bad. I will never forgive myself. 

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