A Tuesday Visit

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Author's Note: I'm really excited for this story and have been gathering inspiration for it for a while now. If you have a request for a future chapter or something cool for the story, let me know. Will update frequently.

Word count: 1706


The morning started with a groan as an annoyingly loud alarm clock started it's daily scream at 5:00 AM. Sirius loved Remus, but sometimes he wished the man would learn to sleep in.

The two had been out on a date the night before that had lead to the usual round of drinks, so Sirius woke up with a bit of a hangover. His eyes cracked ever so slightly to see the form of his partner sit up and stretch before starting to grope around for a shirt. Then, after pulling a red jumper over his fluffy bed head, Remus lifted himself out of bed and made his way downstairs to the kitchen. Soon after, the smell of freshly made coffee flooded Sirius's nostrils.

Even though the smell of coffee enticed him to wake and come partake in the soon to be cooked breakfast, Sirius refused to give in to Remus's constant insistence on early rise. He simply groaned and pulled the duvet over his head.

Meanwhile, Remus was sipping on a mug of coffee and rolling his eyes at his partner's stubbornness. It was a constant battle to get Sirius out of bed at a decent hour. Besides, today was a visiting day. Sirius was to go to the Dursley's today and pick Harry up. They only got him on Tuesday, Thursday, and every other weekend. Today happened to be Tuesday.

Remus decided to lure his partner out with a nice smelling breakfast. He pulled out a carton of eggs and started frying them up three at a time, knowing a hangover always made Sirius hungry. As he flipped eggs, Remus shoved a couple of slices of bread in the toaster and pulled out some plates. Once everything was ready, the lycanthrope loaded the plates and grabbed a cup of coffee before taking the balancing act upstairs.

Sirius felt the pressure of another person crawl onto the bed and then smelt the fresh eggs his lover had made him. The top of his head peeked out from under the covers, his grey eyes squinting at Remus and then at the plate of food he offered. Slowly his head creeped out with a grouchy frown on his face "It's so early Remus.... Wwwhhhyyyy?" Sirius whines.

"Because darling," Remus planted a kiss on Sirius's forehead, "you have to get Harry and I wanted to spend a little time together before I have to go to work." Remus said in a gentle voice as he kissed Sirius again but on the nose.

"Ugh you know I can't resist you when you're all sweet on me like this..." Sirius sighed and sat up, shivering a little as the cold bedroom air greeted his bare torso. "What a nice surprise... Eggs, toast, and coffee? Goodness Mooney, was last night really that good as to deserve a treat like this?" Sirius purred flirtatiously as he took the plate and mug from Remus.

"Hush and eat your breakfast Padfoot, you must get Harry and I must go to work" Remus said rolling his eyes. They both chatted a bit as they ate breakfast and woke up a bit more, enjoying each other's company.

After their meal, Remus headed to the bathroom to get ready for the day while Sirius sluggishly pulled on one of his partner's shirts, not quite ready to be dressed. He brushed out the major tangles in his unruly black hair and then twisted it in a bun with his wand. Sirius began his morning ritual of turning on the radio to the first punk rock station he could find, blasting it through the tastefully decorated house, and then picking out his clothes for the day. He really must look his best since he was going to see the Dursleys. It brought him great joy to drive them up a wall with his very out of the ordinary behavior. They despised magic and anything remotely out of the norm, so the visits from their nephew's extended family were always a terror.

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