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~Broken Chapter 3~

Ciel's P.O.V

I was trying to get information out of lady Addiline but it proved difficult 'heh just like me'

"Young master I have brought Lord Kirby." Sebastian announced. I look down at Addiline her eyes widen in surprise but soon after rage takes over.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Earl Phantomhive but I need your help to find my niece." Lord Kirby spoke diligently. I look back at Addiline, she starts to laugh she stands up and pulls out a dagger she puts her finger up to her mouth shushing me. I nod at sebastian.

Addie's P.O.V   

"You're looking for your niece huh?" I start, my back turned one of my daggers out ready to kill uncle Kirby. I turn around Kirby's eyes widen as I threw my dagger at his head I say

"I'm right here!" but Sebastian caught the dagger that's when I noticed that he is a demon I threw another one but he caught that one as well.

"Let me kill him you damn demon!!" I shout at him his eye's widen, I hear a cocking of a gun I look over to my uncle and see him pointing his pistol at me. I lift my dress up a bit to pull out one of the two pistols I keep under my dress and point it at my uncle. I shoot the gun out of his hand, then I shoot him in the shoulder twice he fell backwards, I walk over to him and push him on the floor I get on top of my dear uncle, I pull out another dagger and proceed to stab him over and over slowly making him scream in agony.

"Please just kill me already."


"Why?" He said weakly

"Because you need to feel the same pain we felt." I say plainly

"What did I do to you. Please Phantomhive get her off of me."

"Do you want me to tell you what you did, to with the queen's guard dog here?" I say chuckling.

"You're a monster just like your mother." He says smugly my eyes widen I lift the dagger pushing it into his eye. Repeating to say 'How dare you!' over and over again while stabbing both his eye's then his chest over and over till he was dead. I hear the door open and a scream I look up to see Elizabeth staring at me with horror. I stand up wiping my hands on my already stand white dress.

"Hello Elizabeth how are you?"

"You killed my english tutor!" She says in pure horror.

"Oh! So you were the new doll he was talking about."

"How? No why did you kill him."

"Well I killed my uncle 'cause he deserved it."

"You killed your uncle!?!" It was the Earl's turn I just nod. I see a figure behind Elizabeth with a pistol pointing at the young Earl. I point the pistol.

"Elizabeth duck NOW!" She ducks and I shoot the person I walk out of the room seeing Alois Trancy.

"Why did it have to be you of all people." I say sighing.

"Addiline! It's you!" He shouts holding his shoulder.

"Why did you shoot me?"

"Because you were gonna shoot Earl Phantomhive."

"Why are you on his side of all people!"

"Do I need to explain why I hate you."

"Yes I don't know why."

"Well one you stole my stuffed wolf and two" I start to cry Alois starts to walk toward me I point my gun at his head.

"Get the hell away from me you sicko." I state plainly he continues to walk I shoot him again in the foot he falls down.

"GO AWAY YOU FREAKIN PERVERT!!" I yell at Alois. I backed up into the study I continue untill I reach the desk.

"Go away p....please." I say shaking. Ciel stands up and pulls me behind him.

"Alois leave my manor, no one invited you nor did you send that you were coming." Ciel says

"But Ciel," He starts Sebastian cut him off.

"Lord Trancy, my Master has asked you to leave. Now if you wish you can have Claude informs us of your arrival next time." He says smiling, leading Alois out the door. I look at the Earl.

"Thank you Earl Phantomhive." I say quietly. I look up to see Elizabeth standing up.

"Addiline will you leave so I talk to Ciel?"

"Yes of course M'lady." I walk out of the study shutting the door behind sliding down the wall to listen to their conversation.

Ciel's P.O.V

Addiline walks out. I look to Elizabeth who starts talking

"Ciel you have to get rid of Addiline."


"Why! Can't you see that she's dangerous?!?" She shouts

"Yes that's why I can't get rid of such an interesting girl."

"Ciel she's a monster why can't you see that?!"


"She'll KILL you!"

"Yes I know but that's what's fun about such an unstable girl she has the potential to kill us all but she saved you and me from getting shot by Alois." I start.

"Yes I'm thankful but I don't want you or me to die Ciel."

"Yes because it's always about what you want Elizabeth." I say harshly

"No it's not I'm just worried you'll get hurt, I want us to have a happy life that's all."She says sweetly I slam my hands on the desk scaring her with the sudden outburst.



"Do you know her last name?"


"Her real name is Addiline Penndragon." I say she gasps

"That's why I can't get rid of her I owe her for helping me so long ago and as well as today do you understand?"

"Y..yes I'm sorry to aggravate you."

Elizabeth's P.O.V

I'm going to kill Addiline how dare she come back! I open the door to see Addiline on the floor having an 'Episode' or so she calls it. I laugh at how pathetic she looks sprawled out on the floor like that. But she soon starts screaming Ciel runs out and picks her up walking to his room with her kicking and lashing about. I follow them.

"What's wrong with the monster?" I say smugly

"She is reliving a moment in her past, Elizabeth can you go get Sebastian?"

"Yeah okay!" I say skipping down the hall but as soon as I was out of earshot I slowed down.'Why do I have get Sebastian while he's alone with that thing I hope she never wakes up Ciel is MINE' I bump into Sebastian

"Oh Ciel needs to see you in his room."


"Just 'cause he does." I say walking out of the mansion to go talk to Alois to see what he did to her.


End of chapter 3 of broken I hope you enjoy the story so far!


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