Part 13 | Demon

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"Hey umm... Did anything happen  while i was... Y'know... Knocked out?" Sans asked the others confused.

"Well, I-Ive found weird tracks of a g-ghost around snowdin" Alphys replied with a fake smile, trying not to be unconfortable. They heard knocking. Someone was at the door. Alphys walked over there and opend. It was Toriel, holding  the little human child in ger big monster hands.

"O-Oh hello, Y-your majesty" Alphys said to her.

"Hello Alphys, I came here cause  Frisk seems to not wake up but talks about weird stuff in their sleep" Toriel looked very worried.

Wow, first magic problems, and now the worst nightmare. Alphys thought to herself.

"Ch-ch..." Frisk said while turning a little in their sleep. Toriel moved them up to her chin and kissed their forehead. She walked in and placed Frisk on the nearest couch she could find.

"I-I can try to w-wake Frisk up" Alphys replied while being prepeared for Frisk to say very important words in their sleep.

"Hi, Toriel!" Undyne came out from the room Sans and Papyrus was in, with that big smile she usually has on her face.

"Oh, hello Undyne" Toriel said while Undyne ran over to Alphys and Toriel. Papyrus peeked out on the room and saw Toriel.

"Wait... is Papyrus here too? How many people are here?" Toriel said a bit confused.

"HELLO LADY ASGORE!" Papyrus said, but he was half-ignored in the conversation.

"W-Well... Papyrus and Sans are here cause..." Alphys got quiet as she looked over at the room, unsure how to say it.

"C-C-Cause of... uhh... h-high magic levels" She then answerd.

"Who's?" Toriel asked.

" 'sup" Sans had gotten up from the bed. He hadn't noticed Toriel yet. But when he did, he blushed in a deep blue.

"S-Sans, I told you to take some rest. The magic levels are still high" Alphys said while she turned to Sans, but after, she turned to se Toriels reaction.

"What happend?" Toriel looked worried, almost forgeting why she came here.

"it just... happend? I dunno" Sans answerd, not being so worried about himself.

"WHAT'S WRONG WITH THE HUMAN?" Papyrus broke the conversation.

"They won't wake up..." Toriel told him.

"No... ch-cha" Frisk suddenly said while they moved their hands in the air, as they were touching something, and like they were lost in an empty, dark, room. Sans thought about the words they said. He remembered long ago, but not long ago. There were Frisk, but not. They were killing everyone. But it couldn't have been Frisk, could it? They were different. Not at all like the one that's right here, right now.

"Chara n-no" Frisk suddenly spoke, and it was clear for Sans, It was the demon child that's been haunting him, been in his nightmares and killed those he loved.

When Toriel heard the words, she froze. Her lost child from long ago, maybe were still here.

Alphys ran over to her computer quickly and turned on the camras as she searched for signals, there was something red and blurry close to Frisk, was it a ghost? no, It wasn't a ghost... it was a demon she saw.

 it was a demon she saw

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