Fanboy// Nuke OneShot

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A/N: A oneshot about Nicole (ohnicoleeo) and Luke. I know that Nicole has met 5SOS (because I'm pretty sure she talked about it in a YouTube video) but for the purpose of the story pretend that she hasn't. This is a work of fiction, and any relation to real people is used fictitiously. (Also, I know absolutely nothing about the SSE Hydro, so...)

Nicole/Niko's POV
I'm so so happy that today is my 5 Seconds of Summer concert. I usually procrastinate, but for this concert I've actually been preparing since I got the tickets almost a year ago.

I open the Twitter app, going to tweet something. 

"Today's my SLFL show. If you want to meet me I'll be hanging out with people before the show outside the venue. I can't wait for the concert and I can't wait to meet some of you." I press tweet.

I open up "Nicole's Sweaties," my group-chat with two girls that call me their mom.

@ohnicoleeo: 5SOS TODAY!!!! WOOOOO
@Fandomsxxxxx I CAN'T BELIEVE WE'RE MEETING TODAY. Remember when we created this GC and we talked about meeting a lot? And now we're meeting!!! At a 5SOS concert, which makes it even more amazing!!
@ohnicoleeo: YAYY!! WE'RE ALL GOING TO HUG.
@5Secondsof5ers: FAMILY HUG.
@Fandomsxxxxx: YES. OH MY GOSH YES.
@ohnicoleeo: I'm so hype
@5Secondsof5ers: I know. We've been waiting for this for over a year now!!!
@ohnicoleeo: I'm going to leave soon. But I'll see you girls there. :)
@Fandomsxxxxx: Okay. Bye, mom. Ily
@5Secondsof5ers: Byee. Ily. See you there.
@ohnicoleeo: Byee. Ily.

I close the Twitter app and grin to myself. I honestly never thought that people would actually watch my YouTube videos when I started making videos, but people did. And the love and support is honestly so amazing. YouTube has just led me to meet such amazing people, and I'm so grateful.

Seeing that I'm wearing the outfit I planned on wearing to Sounds Live Feels Live, I grab my purse and car keys and walk outside to get in my car. 

I start the car and push the Sounds Good Feels Good album into the CD player.

"TAKE MY MONEY." I start hollering as I roll the windows down, blasting 5SOS.

Half way through the drive to the stadium, I get stuck in traffic. 

I get out my phone, opening Twitter, figuring I'll be stuck here for a while.

"Anyone else stuck in traffic?" I tweet, then close Twitter, opening the texting app to text the 5SOF girls.
Me: I'm on the way to 5SOS!!
Alyssa: Lucky. My 5SOS concert isn't for like two months. :(
Mia: Asgjd, have fun. Tell them about 5SOF!! If you get soundcheck or whatever.
Kathleen: Send us videos!!
Me: I will. I'm just stuck in traffic rn. :/
Sam: 5SOS YUS. Have fun.
Me: Thanks. Gotta go, the traffic is moving.

I close the messaging app and put my phone away, moving my car forward slowly. I groan, as I wasn't prepared for traffic this bad. I expected traffic, because it's a concert, but I didn't think it would be moving so slowly.

I remember then that I have Sounds Good Feels Good, so I decide to turn the bass and volume up, so other cars around me can hear the music. Seeing that the traffic only moved a little and probably isn't going to start completely moving anytime soon, we might as well get excited for the concert.

Soon enough, nearly every car is either blasting The Self-Titled album (5 Seconds of Summer) or Sounds Good Feels Good. It's a mess sound wise, but it's pretty cool to see everyone come together, blast music and have a good time.

I know a lot of people say home is building, but home seems to be more of a feeling. A feeling I get of comfort, of warmth inside. Usually in a place or environment where I feel safe.
And that's what I feel at 5SOS concerts, or with the YouTube community, or whenever I feel home. Loved, comforted, happy, giddy. 

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