Chapter 9: ~Fox hunt~

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The ground fumbled beneath my boots as I ran, searching the streets of Venice for this so called, fox. I began to slow down, looking at the note I had in my pocket, it was a small list of people who might know where he is, I knew I was going to need a little direction.

First on the list

Doctor Angelo.

He wasn't a hard man to find I'll tell you that, he stood by his medicine cart promoting the medications he had in stock and.. Leeches.
I approached him, once he saw me, I didn't have the chance to get even a single word in.

"AH! Come friend! Come don't be shy!" He chanted towards me,

loud enough to make my presence known by everyone around, I tensed, maybe I was overthinking it, they couldn't all be focused on me, Maybe none of them at all.

"I just have a couple questions, maybe.. Some direction?" I asked as I gritted my teeth.

"Ah, come tu desidera il mio caro!" Him once again a little over enthusiastic.

"Do you know where I can find the man behind the name, 'the fox'?" As soon as I began to whisper, he listened in closely.

"I know of some people who might." He smiled genuinely.

"Just tell me where I need to go, misere." I flashed a smile back towards him.

He pointed in the direction of one of the buildings closest to the church, he said I'd find a man named, Antonio. I thanked him and headed of toward the church, I passed a few merchants who tried to advertise their products in my direction, I blocked them out. My boots clicked as they connected with the cobblestone ground, sometimes it surprised me that it was created by man, I always thought those men had skills like no other. Some probably died in the making.

I climbed each stair with grace as I made my way up to the building Doctor Angelo pointed me to, the place where I would find


The name racked my brain

I eyed the building missing not a single detail; the door was old and falling apart at the hinges, so broken down I was afraid to lay a single finger upon it. I tilted my head at the noises inside, It made me eager to find out, though I had other things to focus on, and I needed to get it done. I needed to find the man behind what I thought was the world, So I knocked. My knuckles collided with the old door, it creaked under my fist, though I only knocked hard enough for at least someone to hear. In fact, the door swayed open almost immediately, as if someone were watching me, waiting for my move.

"Who are you? What do you want?" He asked, a skeptical tone in his accent, and his body language, he looked around as if something or someone were to pop out of the blue and kill us,

"May I ask you a few questions about someone?" I asked in a low whisper just in case.

"No." He slammed the door right into my nose.

"AH!" I cupped my nose in hand and threw a tantrum to.. Well, myself.

"CAZZO! WON'T ANYBODY TELL ME?!" I yelled in distress to the upper window in which a figure then stood up and walked away from it. I growled underneath my increased breath, what is this? A rush ran throughout my small templed body, I began to laugh like an insane freak; But it felt good.

"ERRRRAGGHHH!" I busted through the door and dusted myself off, immediately grabbing the man who answered the door by the collar of his worn shirt.

"THE FOX! WHERE IS THE FOX?!" I screamed; as spit flung off my tongue and met his face he flinched in fear,

"I uh.. I don't know puttana!" He pleaded a certain insult I didn't take kindly, my fist met with his face, I did it again, and again.. Until I finally pried it out of him.

By the time I actually got out of there, with a name in hand, I swore my hand would fall of tomorrow, you should've seen the other guy! I believed his face would fall off too!

I giggled to myself.

Next.. I crossed off Antonio's name off my list I began to create, and wrote down one more name.

'La volpe.'

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