It's okay to get hurt

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                              (Y/n) ran as fast as she could to the house, with fi, cake, and gumball following close behind her. (Y/n) and fi kicked the door down and looked around, "They must be in the basement." (Y/n) spoke, running downstairs and everyone following. Ashley, (ex-b/n) and the ice queen looked at the four run the steps. "Let's kill them, yea?" Ashley smirked as she got up, (ex-b/n) chuckling and following her as ice queen followed as well. (Y/n) spotted Marshall in his cell, beaten and swollen. She ran to the door and shook the bars, causing Marshall to turn and look at his future girlfriend and wife ( ;D) try to save him. "Fi!" she whispered/yelled to her blonde friend, Fi raised her sword and tried to slice the bars, no luck. "Crap.. PG! use your sciencey thingys!" Fi said, Gumball sighed and was about to speak until cake stretched and pulled fi and him to her and (y/n). They all hid as they heard footsteps walking around, ready to kill anything that comes in sight. "Hey, rescue party. we know you're here so why not show yourself so we can make these kills quick and clean." (ex-b/n) said as he looked around carefully.

             (Y/n) looked down and nodded, "He's right. it's time to end this. are you guys ready?" she asked as she was whispering. Everyone took a deep breath and nodded. They climbed up from their hiding spots and looked at their opponents. The battle seemed to last forever until ice queen, (ex-b/n) and Ashley got tired, which made it easy to tie them up. Gumball used his lava gun to burn the bars, Fionna and (y/n) ran to Marshall. (y/n) tapped his face as she began to tear up. "(y/n) cake..gumwad." Gumball's face twisted then softened after hearing his friend. Marshall rested his hand on (y/n)'s soft and warm cheek, drying her tears. "Thank You all for saving me. heh." everyone teared up as (y/n) held him closely. Marshall looked at everyone in confusion. "The hell? All I said was Thank you" He said as he sat up. "We know, that's why were crying." Pg said as he tried to wipe his tears, "Marshall actually thanked us for once!!!" Fi screamed causing (y/n) to laugh as she wiped her tears. "No, stop guys. I'm regretting it. No seriously no hugging. no for real, stop. Guys? Guys?! GUYS!!!"

          A few months later, Fi ate the popcorn with flame prince as Pg watched the movie with complete interest. (Y/n) snuggled against her boyfriend, also known as (ex-b/n) Lol! Jk its Marshall, Sneaking in a few kisses without anyone knowing. Marshall had finally got the girl he wanted. needed. He could finally treat her better than her bullshit face mcgee ex.

~The End~

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