Chapter 15: His POV

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"WAKE UP!" a shout coming from a dark and deep voice shook the room which made us all woke up from a deep sleep. I could still feel my heavy eyes begging me to go back to sleep again, but I fought the urge to go back. It was Hoseok-hyung's voice.

"Shut up," Yoongi-hyung said coldly and threw him a pillow, but luckily, Hoseok-hyung dodged it. Other members like Jin-hyung, Rapmon-hyung and Jimin, already got out of their bunks, while the others, including me, were still on our beds, too lazy to stand up.

"Fyi, Min Yoongi, we have so much scheduled events to attend to today, you have to stand up and take a bath!" Eommajin scolded Yoongi. Yoongi just shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Ah, jinjja..why did I became an artist again?" he whispered, asking himself. Ha, hyung must have thought that no one heard him, but I certainly heard what he had whispered to himself.

"What are the schedule for today, anyways?" Jimin asked while munching a loaf of bread and holding a mug filled with hot chocolate. 

"Hmm.." Rapmon-hyung hummed while looking on a bond paper that has our schedules throughout the day.

"It includes..meeting with Mr. Kwang, because we have to discuss the schedules for the next month. A photo shoot event for Elle Magazine, and.." Rapmon-hyung said, cutting himself because he still had to look at our schedule.

"Meeting Red Velvet-hoobaenims," he said which made me stood up quickly. "we're going to meet them?!" I said, not minding that I haven't washed my face yet.

"Yep, we have to start recording the song," Jungkook replied, while eating a bacon.

I could feel my heartbeat, slowly rising than usual. This isn't right. It's always isn't right. This isn't the first time I could feel my heart beating so loud and fast, I'm afraid that my members could hear it.

I shook my head, trying to act normal in front of my members. But my body doesn't seem to cooperate. I'm trying to get to their conversation but the words doesn't sink in to my brain, the only thought I can only think of is...

Irene. That Bae Joohyun. That leader of Red Velvet.

These days, I can't get her off my mind. Even though we're pre-occupied because of so much schedule, she kept on creeping in my mind. It's like deleting her selfie unto my phone but my phone kept lagging until I ended up not deleting that selfie.

I know what I'm feeling. This may be the first time my heart kept on beating abnormally but I know what is happening, I am aware of what's happening. I'm not a 13 year-old boy who's not aware of this. But I'm doing my best to disregard this feeling of mine, because I know, that after our promotions with our comeback, everything will be back to normal. Everything.

I must admit that I like her, yes.

But not all the time, everything will work out with only like and love. You have to add additional spices to make everything good and perfect.

"KIM TAEHYUNG, ARE YOU LISTENING?" I snapped out from my reveries when I heard Jin-hyung shouting so loud at my front.

"Uhm..sorry, what is it again?" I said, trying to act cool. My other members were laughing at me like I ate whole lot shit.

"Forget it, hyung. V-hyung's prolly preoccupied because of Irene-hoobaenim," Jimin mumbled and laughed. What—?

I eyed Jimin with my death glare. Is he some sort of superhero who can read mind and can do telekinesis or whatsoever? Jimin just laughed with my response, and so is our other members. What is wrong with my co-members?

"You're really secretive, Taehyung. Mind telling us what's happening between you and Irene-ssi?" Yoongi-hyung said and winked. We're talking about a serious topic and it suddenly changed into my lovelife that quick? Holy shit, is today's doomsday?

"There's nothing happening between us," I replied and shrugged my shoulders off. It's half true and half lie—I actually don't know, what's going on between me and her.

"Oh, okay. How about in your feelings, huh?" Rapmon-hyung asked and raised both of his eyebrows as if he's hinting something about what I'm going to say. I'm actually hesitating about telling the truth or not, but they're my members, I have to be honest or else they will literally strangle me.

"Err..wait,I'm hungry," I said trying to change the topic but they all complained and glared at me. Jungkook spoke, "No, Kim Taehyung. Stay in your seat and we'll interrogate you."

I looked at them and they all looked so focused at me. I suddenly felt tensed, the tension in the room started going up. I feel like, I'm in some kind of a hotseat.

"What are your feelings for her, hyung?" Jungkook asked, repeating Namjoon's question.

Okay, the first question was really difficult to answer. It seems like they're pulling some prank and I'm their target.

"Kroo kroo," Hoseok said after minutes when no one had spoken yet. All of us were quiet and all of them were looking at me. Focused and careful to miss the words that I'm going to utter.

"Uh.." I started which made them focused more to me. I took a deep breath and then spoke, "I like her, yes bu—"

"MFKSKDOSOXMSKSOAWHO" my members started chattering another language that i can't even understand.

"Let me finish my sentence first!" I mumbled hysterically and they all started getting back to normal. Ah, my members are really abnormal.

"Continue, then!" Jimin said and motioned his hands, urging me to continue what I'm trying to say. My heartbeat is rising again like there's no tomorrow, I'm really anxious of what would be their reactions when I finished my sentence.

"I like her, I do. Everytime I see her, my heart's malfunctioning, it's beating really loud and I'm afraid that someone could hear it because it's literally beating so loud as if there's no tomorrow," I started. My members started giggling and whispering to each other.

"But," as I continued, the other six became quiet again, silently focusing their eyes unto mine. "I know that right after our comeback promotions ended, everything will go back to normal. Everything. Red Velvet will be Red Velvet. Irene will be Irene. Bangtan will be Bangtan. And me, I will be just me. Again," I said trying to hide my bitterness in my voice.

I waited for seconds to know what are their reactions, but everything seemed quiet. As if they're letting my words sink down unto their brains.

"So," Jin-hyung started, he folded his arms and locked his eyes unto mine. He spoke, "If you know that the time's limited for the two of you, then stop wasting time! Go ahead and make her feel the same for you. Go ahead and spend your time with her. Otherwise, nothing would happen. You'll just end up broken."

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