Strangers, friends, couple: the usual way of things.
We met at a coffee shop, I criticized his choice of reading and he criticized my choice of caffeine. I asked for his number, he asked for a date. It was pretty much even, don't you think?
We chatted, drank coffee, ate a shit ton of crappy food and watched awfully made movies together.
We were wrapped up in that endless game of "I like you, but I'm not sure that you like me back", thankfully everyone could see through all that bullshit to kick our asses and make us aware of reality.
It only went up from there: our friends used to joke about us being the "golden couple" the one that would last through thick and thin.And partly, we did.
But you know what they say: everything that goes up, has to go down sometime. And our down meant being ripped apart from a piece of myself, a part of me that will never be back again.
The Thought of You.
Short Storyin which we lie to save ourselves from reality, whilst we try to make peace with it.