It's our Happy Virus's turn for this imagine, chingus <3
~ ☆ YANNI LEE ☆ ~
You are at the EXO's dorm, visiting your long-time friend and crush Chanyeol. You are expecting that somebody's there but the result was opposite. Nobody's home yet the door was unlocked. Then you've decided to wait for him and for the other members inside. But before you could totally enter the room, you've noticed that it was a little bit messy. And it might be better if you'll clean it before they arrive.
You were compiling and arranging all of the magazines that are messed up above the table. Then you've noticed a hidden folder below the compiled magazines. You're very curious of what's inside that folder. You're about to open it but pictures started falling from it. You're a bit disappointed because of this. You need to clean up the mess that you've made.
As you picked up the pictures from the floor, you've noticed that all of these were your pictures - some of those were your selcas from your phone but most of it were stolen shots. You've also seen another picture of you which a big smile was written on your face. A caption was also written below it, "The Girl who captured my heart <3 ". You're face turned red upon reading it. You've never expected something like this to be revealed. You smiled and continued cleaning up.
After 5 minutes, you've finished cleaning up the dorm. You're about to stand up from sitting on the floor when Chanyeol suddenly popped out from the door. You screeched because of shock. While Chanyeol loses his balance upon hearing your screech. And when you've noticed that it was him, you suddenly stood up and ran towards him.
"Omo !! I thought you're somebody else, Chanyeol-ah. Sorry for screeching." you apologized while helping him to stand up.
"It's okay,_____ [y/n]. But what are you doing here?" he asked. You've suddenly felt nervous.
"A-ahh ... I was just waiting for you here. But I've become bored that's why I also cleaned up your messes." you answered.
"Clean up? Aigoo !! H-have you seen what's inside that folder?!" he asked again. His voice suddenly becomes tense and nervous.
"A-ani. I didn't even notice that thing." you lied.
"Whoah ! That folder contains a very important 'document' that I'll give to a very special person." he said, smiling. You also smiled at him and pinched his nose. You also laughed after doing that.
"And what's that for?" he asked, curious. He was also touching his pinched nose.
"Nothing. It's just ... I'm very happy today." you answered, smiling. The smile you are wearing right now was like the big smile you've wore from that stolen picture of you.

EXO Imagines and One-Shots
Storie d'amoreA compilation of original EXO imagines and one-shots made by the author.