The thought

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   After time has progress, about 1 and haft, cas has came out as gay to his family and most the school, he is still unsure about wanting to date other men though he doesn't have much feeling towards most people at school. Dean on the other hand is still pushing the thought of him and cas's eye intercorse to the back of his mind. He has thought a lot about what happend and the feelings he started developing for cas. Over the summer dean had ampoule time to think. He wants to try and experience, so he whips out his little brothers, Sammy as dean calles him, laptop out to search for the answer he was looking for.

   Dean comes across a website called "grinder" he moves the mouse cursor to the website name and clicked on it. It popped up with, login or register, dean registered for the website. It asked multiple questions about him and his type, type for what? that's what he came her to figure out. Oh well he just put in some random things and hit ok. After a few minutes of waiting  "ding" Sammy awoke, flinched like a deer.. he instinctively ran to the laptop to see what it was about. It was something about a website called "grinder?" He knew it was for dean but he was a sneaky tweleve year old and went further in.

   A chat box popped up and it reads "hey, I see you're interested in role play?" Sammy is confused on what role play means. He looks it up on the urban dictionary. According to this role play means "Where two people play different roles in a sexually suggestive manner. This is generally to provide more excitement and pleasure to the act of intercourse. The addition of props, or cameras are occasionally used. Occasionally, Roleplaying is mixed in with the act of cyber." Sammy is in shock (he is shook). Dean walks in to check the website. Sammy looks at him with shock, dean immediately told him to forget what he saw and not to mention it to dad at ALL!! Sammy walks away slowly, dean reads the conversation. Dean replies "Uh, yes I do"

He gets a rely, "awesome well wanna hook up?"

   Dean doesn't know what to do the only feels he had was and is for cas. He doesn't know, maybe he can be more impressive awesome have experience. No, he wants his first time to be with cas he want to have and share that moment with him. But what does he do? Does he go for the more romantic thing? Or does he risk becoming a slut and risking everything?

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