i m proud to be a #kyyranian

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i don't know why alwys nitians and parthians fight y can't u guys let them live in peace and this time its over u guys drag charlie and krissain and veebha tooo guys u should know that they  all are the one who gave us the best show and we should respect them not divide into groups and bash others whom u nt like • see i m not saying tht only to uh its my opinion about everyone who is bussy in this stupid bashing business i just want to say them guys go get a job and u all had no rights to know about their personal life till they wish for sharing with uh guys  plzz i knw u support niti toh support her but plzz don't dare to bash others as u don't have any right to do sooo it their life n about niti i think she must be also not feeling good seeing her fans bashing other as she too had passed through the  same phase i am nt a charlian nt a parthian nt a nitian i am just a i am proud to be that

i am a proud to say that i am a #kyyranian

and who all are there wth me i would like u all to support  me  to keep aour manan alive

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