Friendship Never Ends

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I was in first grade then and everything was not the same from being in kindergarten.

“Why are you sitting over here?” “Because the teacher said I could,” I said. “Well don’t sit over here! Sit somewhere else! You’re aggravating!” “I bet you can’t even spell aggravating!” I was too the point of anger. “Uh, a-g-r-i-v-a-e-t-e-e-n-g?” “No, you’re actually wrong. It’s a-g-g-r-a-v-a-t-i-n-g. So next time you say something to me, make sure you can spell it.” “Wow, Mrs. Wilson. That was outstanding. Where did you learn such amazing spelling abilities?” “She didn’t learn it! She’s just a huge nerd!” “Actually I p-r-a-c-t-i-c-e-d a lot, I like to spell.” I was beginning to have a happy feeling inside. My teacher didn’t know I had such great talent. “Well, how about you go be a nerd somewhere else. I don’t like you.”

“Hey! Leave her alone,” said this random girl that came out of nowhere. “What are you gonna do about it? You can’t do anything!” “Actually I can do a lot!”

This girl… she was so tough. She was like a bodyguard, but she was really nice.

“Hey you all! Stop this arguing this instant. What is all of this about?” Mrs. Dickson was always a “non-violent” person. She loved to be a peace- maker, but sometimes she was really annoying. Some people would say she was a pain in the butt. I think… let’s not say what I thought.

“Mrs. Dickson, he said I was a nerd and said that I was aggravating.” I whined a lot when I was younger. “Did not! She’s lying. I would never do that.” “No, Mrs. Dickson he’s lying. He did say that!” This girl. She was standing up for me. She was so nice.

 “Hey! Want to come on the monkey bars with me?” “Sure,” I replied.  “But wait, what is your name?” I was curious. She was helping me all throughout the day and I didn’t know her name. “My name? It’s Summer. Summer Thomas. Need to know anything else?” “No, that’s just it?”…

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