i'm losing my innocence.

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“Kellin Quinn Bostwick.”

My legs felt like jelly and my plastered-on smile felt like rubber on my lips. I tried to be as graceful as possible, reaching out my right hand and shaking the palm of my principals lightly, as he passed me my diploma in the left. It was graduation, if you didn’t know; the end of my childhood. I tried to hide my face as much as possible because I was blushing so hard. But as I was walking down the steps, back to the student chairs, I snuck a peek up at the audience of families and friends. My eyes spotted Becky’s smiling face, Bones next to her and Tony on the other side of Bones. They were all clapping and smiling, Bones even winked at me. Jaime, Mike, and Claudia were sitting with the Fuentes family, Claudia beaming down at me. Vic’s parents were smiling like they were my own parents, and Jaime and Mike wolf-whistling because they know how red it’ll make my face.

Georgia-May’s hair was shining on the top tier of the auditorium, Beau and Lights next to her. Behind them was my own family, Katherine crying tears and smiling at the stage, my dad looking proud with a small smile on his own face. But when I caught sight of Kailey, she just scowled and turned her head, as if the wall was the most interesting thing here. Such a shame, she actually hates me.

“Move, dumbass,” a harsh whisper was hissed into my ear. I looked round to see the pissed off look on the face of Emily, whose name just had to be alphabetically behind mine. She pushed me forward with her shoulder, and I almost tripped on the last step as she stomped to her folding chair. I sighed, noticing that a few people saw and walked to the chair next to her. I sat, hoping she would just shut the fuck up. But no, words kept spilling out of her mouth. “God, you’re so fucking stupid, you dumb fag. How does your boyfriend even stand to fuck you? Just look at you, don’t even get me started on your greasy hair, Jesus Christ. You’re obviously going nowhere in life after this, doesn’t matter if you have a boyfriend, he’s gonna dump you for a pretty girl. Someone like me.”

“Don’t be such a smug bitch, Emily,” I warned. “You know what? I’m done with it, baby, because I’m done with you. Your days of bullying me are over,” The shit-eating grin on her face faded, and she actually looked shocked. I looked to my left and saw my friend, Gabe Barham, a few seats down. I signalled the two kids in between us to move down before taking one last look at Emily, who was now glowering at me. “You know, you really should smile more. It’s the only thing bright about you.” She gasped, and I chuckled, getting up and shuffling to sit next to Gabe.

He and I quietly made comments about the people on the stage, taking their diplomas; it was like making comments at movie trailers in the theatre before the actual film. Then we hit the F’s, Jack Fowler jumping off the stage like he was in an old-fashioned movie, and then Vic was the center of attention.

“Look, there’s your…” Gabe trailed off, not quite finding the correct word.

“Boyfriend,” I said, looking back at Vic. “He’s my boyfriend.” He was grinning at he shook Mr. Kutler’s clammy hand. I almost laughed at how easy Vic made this look, even though he despises our principal, mainly for the suspension thing. Vic, for weeks, only called him “Mr. Cut-throat” which always made me giggle.

As Vic was leaving the stage for the G’s to start, he looked up at his family who were screaming and gave them all thumbs up. Then he looked at me and my breath caught in my lungs because of how damn gorgeous he looked. I was softly clapping but it faded out, as with every other sound. When our eyes connected, it was like the whole world froze, like it was a scene in a film. He blew a kiss at me and smiled while I blushed and couldn’t come up with a response. Then he walked to his chair which was too far behind mine and the world was operating again. I know that must have only lasted a few seconds but it felt like years, his eyes piercing mine. God, I’m like some teen girl in a cheesy movie.

“Earth to Kellin,” Gabe said, waving his hand in front of my face. “You okay man?”

I nodded, “Never been better.” And the rest of the ceremony went on with Gabe and me randomly cheering for other people, Gabe’s girlfriend, Bella, and our friends, Justin and Desi; even our friends in All Time Low who found the time to go off tour and come to graduation.

A few closing words were said from Mr. Kutler were said while the senior class of 2014 marched on the stage behind him. I joined the shorter kids on the riser, even though I knew I wouldn’t really be seen; that was kinda my plan all along. I was looking around at everyone else trying to fit on the stage when I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

“Hey, stranger,” Vic said into my ear, swooping in for a kiss on my cheek. It was still one little peck but it still made me blush even more. Damn, today was just a blushing kind of day.

“Hey yourself,” I said, snuggling into his touch even more.

He smirked at me.

“Ready, class?” Mr. Kutler said, back out of the way. “Go!”

“Five!” All four-hundred and twenty-two seniors said. “Four! Three!” I looked at Vic, who was looking at me while biting his lip, and suddenly the importance of the countdown went out of my head. “Two!” He leaned in, and kissed me as everyone else yelled, “One!” We pulled back and smiled at each other, before taking off our green caps and throwing them with everyone else. Everyone cheered, and we laughed, as I jumped onto Vic as he grabbed the back of my thighs, giving me another kiss. I raised my fist in the air and continued to laugh as he moved me so he was giving me a piggyback instead, which was more appropriate in public. I hung to him loosely, not able to contain my laughter, as he carried me offstage where our friends and families were clustering together.

“Congratulations!” Bones cried, spying us first, throwing her hands in the air, her hair flying back. She dyed it light brown, a color much similar to Vic’s with an under layer of purple; she thinks that if her hair looks more normal, she’ll be left alone.

“Hey girl,” Vic said.

“Sup, Boner,” I said. She stuck her tongue out at me, and I did the same.

“You did it,” GM smiled at us, taking both of our hands and squeezing.

“Guys!” Becky yelled, letting go of Tony’s hand and giving us hugs. She straightened her hair and wore eyeliner for this, that’s how you know she’s actually trying to look good.

“You did good, boys,” Beau said.

“You’re all grown up!” Lights cried. I was still straddling Vic’s back as everyone came around and congratulated us, even when my dad came up. He shook Vic’s hand, and I smiled; he was slowly becoming more accepting of us each day, ever since he found out that Vic helped find Kailey.

When all was done, Vic carried me into the parking lot along with everyone who came only for us. I noticed Katherine and his mom getting along really well, even our dads chatting about random nonsense dads discuss. But I couldn’t help but keep my eyes glued on Kailey, who was frowning, refusing to uncross her arms; she sent everyone dirty looks, usually directed at me or Bones. I knew something must have gone down between them during the time they were missing but I knew that I’d never get the full story. Eventually, Vic had to let me down but I was going into his car anyway so it was okay. Our parents said it was fine if I stayed at Vic’s tonight.

We waved goodbye before we drove off, glad that his parents, Mike, and Claudia were going out to lunch; the house would be all ours for at least an hour. “So,” Vic started, pulling out of the parking lot and onto the back street so we could avoid traffic. “I got invited to a few parties, but I just wanna stay in.” He knew how I felt about parties.

“Yeah, let’s just enjoy each other’s company.” He smiled at me before directing his attention back to the road. “Maybe,” I started, feeling a bit brave today, moving my hand to his knee, “we could have a party of our own.

He smirked at me, “Oh? And what were you thinking of doing for that party?” I thought a little before a small smile played on the edge of my mouth before I said, “You,” and bit my lip. He groaned, and turned a corner.

“Oh really? That sounds nice.” I nodded and looked out the window, watching the surroundings pass in blurs of colors. Looking out the window of a moving car was always one of my favorite things. I watched until Vic pulled into his driveway, unbuckling my seatbelt and giving me a kiss on the corner of my lips before saying, “Don’t open your door yet.” Even though that confused me, I just nodded as he got out. He jogged around the front and to my side, opening my door and grabbing my hand, leading me out. It made my heart swoon. It was a small but extremely sweet gesture.

We went into his house, giggling and holding hands. The second we got into his bedroom, he threw our green robes off and pushed me onto the bed. Straddling me, he leaned down and kissed my neck repeatedly, leaving a hickey under my left ear. I was bucking my hips into his over and over, until we were both so hard we couldn’t stand it anymore.

"That’s it,” Vic said, unbuttoning my black slacks and pulling them off my contrasting pale legs. Next was my shirt, and he took his sweet time undoing each button one by one. When it was fully open, he dragged his blunt nails down my chest, leaning down and leaving a kiss on my collarbone. Now it was my turn, and I flipped him over, his hair splayed across the pillow. His right leg was bent, as I nestled myself between his legs and grinded us as I worked on his button-up. I’ll never understand why he buttons them all the way up.

When I got that off, I moved to his pants but only got halfway done before I turned the tables again was on top of me. He pinned my wrists with one hand while the other slid his pants down. He licked his lips hungrily as he looked at my body, then tugging my boxers off when I wasn’t expecting it. I gasped as he immediately took my member into his mouth, sucking like a fucking pro.

“Holy shit,” I choked out, not even prepared for something like this. He laughed around me, and fuck, did that feel magical. His head kept bobbing up and down, not once faltering or slowing. I tried my hardest to keep from bucking but when I did, he just moaned around me and held my hips down. God, it felt so fucking amazing. He lifted his head up and spent some time working on my tip and – fuck. I felt his tongue at my slit, teasing in a way I couldn’t even handle. Once he started I knew I wasn’t going to be able to hold it in much longer. So, I whispered his name to warn him and clutched onto his shoulders. He nodded and plunged his head all the way down and I choked on a moan as I shot down his throat. I was gasping as he stood up and threw his boxers down, spitting into his hand and jacking himself off. But I wanted to try something different today.

“C-can I?” I asked, with zero confidence.

He looked down at me on the bed and asked, “Are you sure?”

“Y-yeah. Just… talk me through it?”

“Sure,” he smiled, sitting down on the bed next to me. I crawled over to him and he grabbed my hand, leading it to his length. “I’ll guide you through it.” I gnawed on my bottom lip as I took a firm grip on his dick. His hand was warm on mine, and he helped pump up and down. Little moans and mewls of my name were coming out of his mouth, and I was studying his face, making sure he was definitely enjoying it and not faking. “I love when you look at me with those big, pretty eyes,” he moaned out, breathless. Soon enough, his hand left mine and I was stroking him of my own, as fast as my wrist would flick. Vic was definitely more vocal than I was, moans and groans spilling out of his mouth and into the air.

“Come on, Vic. Come on,” I murmured to him and his mouth opened wider. He came with a groan in my hand, his stomach, and his chest, and of course it looked extremely hot to me. I licked my hand clean and he moaned about that, kissing my lips for a quick second, probably tasting himself on my tongue.

“You sure know how to throw a party, Quinn.” I chuckled and he got up, wiping himself clean the tissues on his night stand. He went over to his dresser and threw boxers, a loose tee, and flannel pajama bottoms.

I grabbed the underwear and raised a brow as he rolled his eyes.

“Kellin, your dick was just in my mouth, and my cum is in yours. What’s a pair of boxers?” A snicker escaped from my lips, and I shook my head, slipping the underwear up my legs, followed by the bottoms. Vic came over and grabbed the shirt, pulling it over my head and down as I poked my arms out of it. He kissed my forehead before slipping his own set of lounge wear. “Wanna go watch a movie?” he asked, sounding tired. I yawned and nodded my head. I held my arms out and made grabby hands at him, “Carry me.” He playfully rolled his eyes and picked me up, bridal style (like the very first time we met) and I loosely hung my arms around his shoulders.

Vic kissed my temple and carried me down the stairs and into the living room. He carefully set me down on the couch and went over to the movie collection. “Wayne’s World?” he asked, and I nodded, remembering it was his favorite movie. I curled into a ball and he sat down next to me after putting the movie in, lightly tickling my back as the opening scene began. I was so relaxed with the world. Relieved from having high school officially over, that I let my eyes close and I fell asleep.


A few hours later I woke up, the sound of boiling water in the background. I lifted myself from the couch and stretched, rubbing my eyes with loosely balled fists.

“Hey, Sleeping Beauty,” I heard Claudia’s voice ring as she walked into the kitchen. I followed her and found Vic and his mother fixing up supper. Claudia was tossing a salad, while Vic and his mom where snapping spaghetti noodles and putting them in the boiling pot.

“Hey,” I said, Vic and his mom turning at the same time, smiling.

“Hey yourself,” he winked at me, remembering how I greeted him at the ceremony. “We’re making victory spaghetti with homemade sauce. Cool?” I nodded, hearing my stomach growl.

“I’m starving.”

“How was your siesta?” Mama Fuentes asked, changing the subject.

“I-I didn’t mean to fall asleep-“

“It’s fine, Kellin,” she laughed, drying her hands on a dish towel.

Mike came downstairs shortly after and I hung out until it was time for dinner. I sat next to Vic and Claudia, while we all sat down to eat. His dad talked about his work day, telling us about how the house he painted reminded him of the one they lived in before Mike was born. I giggled at the thought of a baby Vic. Mike and Claudia looked slightly nervous, but when we asked if they were okay, they just said they were fine.

After Vic and I finished our plates, we were excused and he offered to buy us slushies from a convenience store down the street. I slipped on one of his hoodies over my head, and put on my sneakers and we started walking. His hand snuck its way into mine and we walked in a comfortable silence to the shop. Inside, I got myself a strawberry slushie while he got a cherry flavor. He paid for our drinks, the cashier obviously checking him out, and we were on our way… until we passed a park, and I couldn’t resist.

“Vic!” I exclaimed, grabbing his wrist and running into the park. I dragged him to the swings, set my cold cup down, and sat on the black, dusty seat. “Push me?” He smiled at me and set his cup next to mine, going behind me and pushing me lightly.

“Hey, Kellin?” he asked after I was swinging pretty high.


“What do you think is going on with Mike and Claudia?”

I bit my lip, “Vic, do you think they did something stupid and are trying to hide it?”

“What do you mean by something stupid?”

“I don’t know, just something dumb. Idiotic."

“Probably, we’re always up to stupid shit,” I smirked before he started speaking again. “I found a place for us in San Diego.”

“Oh? Like an apartment?”

“Yeah, a little complex that’s ten minutes from campus. I can show it to you online, if you want.”

“Yeah, later,” I hopped off the swing before he could say anything else. “Let’s play tag.”

“Oh, you’re on.”

“You’re it!”

We chased each other around the park until the slushies made our stomachs too upset to run around anymore. I lay on the slightly squishy ground where Vic joined me. I stared at the sky, the bodice of stars twinkling, the moon murmuring its song in the third quarter. Without even thinking I whispered, “I don’t want to grow up.” It was so quiet, but Vic heard it. His hand found mine, and he slid his fingers between mine, like a perfect spider web.

“Me too, Kellin.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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