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Quentin Tatro


Accommodate- To do something helpful. ac/com/madate

Accustomed- familiar with something so it seems normal. ac/cust/omed

acquisition- the act of. acqu/isition

adolescent- a young person is devolping into a adult. adole/scent

amateur- a person who plays for a hobby. ama/teur

annoyance- slight anger. ano/yance

antidote- a substance that stops a harmful. ant/idote

apology- something you feel sorry for. apo/logy

applicant- somebody has formally asked in writing. ap/pli/cant

architect- someone to build buildings. arch/itect

asterisk- a mark like a star. aster/isk

bachelor- a man hasn't been married. bach/elor

belligerent- very unfriendly. bel/igerent

biannual- happening twice each year. bian/nual

brilliance- very smart. bril/liance

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2013 ⏰

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