I love you, and dont you ever forget that

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Its been an hour and I still haven't seen Mac. I've gotten kinda close with Zoella, Troye, and Alfie they are some funny people, well I guess that's why they are really famous on youtube! It's really funny when you see a youtube video before its edited!

~1 hour later~

Im still here at the hospital and acacia and jarred are now out of school and their here with me! I went to go to get a snack out of the vending machine, when I was coming back a door down the hallway flew open and out came several nurses with Mac in the bed quickly running to the elevator. I ran to the one of the nurses asking where were they taking Mac and she said "we are taking her to operating room" is all she said then the doors closed. I ran to the waiting room o tell Acacia and Jarred what jut happened and Acacia called her mom and jarred came and sat next to me and told me "she's gonna be fine bro don't worry." I could tell Jarred was unsure what was gonna happen, but everybody was unsure. Tyler came out of the back with his foot raped up and on crutches and they were leaving I said good-bye to everyone and then marcus picks up tyler bridal style and leave the hospital!

30 minutes have passed and I still cant stop thinking about all the bad things that could happen to Mac. I was almost asleep when somebody called my name. "Mr. Pottorff?" the nurse said looking around the waiting room "yes?" "oh there you are. I am glad to tell you Ms. pottorff is doing well. She has a minor concussion and had severe bleeding in her brain, but we have stoped that and she is in room 335 and you are welcome to go see her!" she said with a smile "thank you so much" I said and she walked off.

I made it too Mac's room and she was there sleeping, she looks so peaceful while she is sleeping. I walk over to her bed Acacia and Jarred left the room. "Mac I love you so much I want you no that, and don't you ever forget that. I was terrified when you were in here and I couldn't see you, but now your better!" I said looking at her small petit head. "I love you too" she said opeing her eyes.  

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