I Love you !

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Ally closed her eyes. She was completely happy. She was just laying on the couch, her head in Stevie's lap and she was unbelievably happy. Jungle Pussy played from the stereo against the wall.

Ally used to worry that she'd never be able to compare to other Girls, but she learned that she didn't have to. She used to worry about it, but Ally couldn't help to fall in love with the way Stevie's eyes lit up when she talked about Harry Potter and Vaginas.

After a while Ally stopped trying to compare herself to other Girls. She knew that she could never compare, not because she wasn't as awesome, but because they were different people. She just knew that she could be herself and she learned how to make Stevie's eyes light up on her own.

Stevie leaned down and kissed Ally softly. Then she picked up one of Ally's arms. Stevie commented, "I love this song."

"Me too," Ally answered.

Stevie examined the tattoo across Ally's forearm, "I love this one. It's so beautiful."

"Thanks," Ally grinned, "It's my favorite."

Stevie turned over Ally's arm and ran her finger over the tattoo . "Which one hurt the most?"

"I'm Allygator no pain here" Ally offered with a stupid smile.

Stevie hadn't really felt that calm since ever. Everything goes to fast and she loves it, but just hanging out with Ally like this gave her a safe, content feeling.

Ally looked up at Stevie and they just looked at each other for a moment beforeAllyi smiled. She bit her bottom lip and tucked some of Stevie's hair behind her ear.

Ally's smile faded, but it wasn't really a look Stevie could read. She thought that something might be wrong until Ally kissed her again, this time slowly and softly. Ally broke the kiss and threaded her fingers through Stevie#s hair, "I love you."

Stevie felt her heart soar. She knew this was a big thing for Ally to say. She knew Ally had had her heart broken and she wasn't one that was quick to opening up to people. Stevie felt privileged to be part of Ally's life.

"I love you too,"

Got some saving problem's sorry :/

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