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The very next day had arrived—it was Hugo's birthday. The strange thing was that Hugo didn't even know it was his birthday because he was too busy worrying about his family for the past five months. This made him completely unaware of what was going on.

Samira sent him to run a few errands, so he wouldn't see his friends enter the palace.

Very soon, a lot of Hugo's friends came to the palace: Amber, Hildegard, Clio, James, Zandar, Derek, Khalid, and—of course—Sofia.

"Great! Everyone is here," Garrick smiled.

"Now all we need is Hugo himself to get here," Axel declared.

A few minutes later, everyone heard Hugo say, "Okay, I'll be right there." That sound can only mean one thing.

"Hugo is here!" Samira exclaimed.

The princes and princesses quickly lined up, facing the doorway as they waited for Hugo.

The minute Hugo entered the ballroom, everyone shouted, "Surprise! Happy birthday, Hugo!"

Hugo really was surprised. "Oh, wow," he gaped. "I guess I was so busy with royal duties that I completely forgot my own birthday."

"Well, fortunately we remembered to remind you," Axel chuckled.

Hugo saw that everyone was dressed like they were going ice-skating, and he didn't know why they brought their ice skates. Garrick explained that they're going to move the party to another room in the palace, but before doing so, they wanted Hugo to open his birthday presents.

Hugo had gotten a lot of different gifts. Clio gave him a medal that looked like Axel's medallion.

Derek had given Hugo a golden flying horse statuette.

Zandar gave Hugo a telescope.

Khalid's present to Hugo was a mountain-climbing kit.

Amber gave Hugo a book of Enchancia's history of princesses.

Hildegard smiled as she gave Hugo her gift. Hugo unwrapped the parcel to find the fancy riding boots Hildegard told Sofia about.

"Wow, fancy boots," Hugo remarked.

"I know—aren't they elegant?" Hildegard smirked. "Put them on."

Hugo sat down and took off his own boots. The fancy boots were very big and heavy. Hugo put on his new boots, but when he got up, he realized that the boots were so big and heavy that he couldn't walk in them.

"Oh, these boots are really big and heavy," Hugo remarked.

"Yes, and they fit you perfectly," Hildegard declared.

But the boots didn't fit Hugo perfectly. Hugo tried to walk in his new boots, but they were so heavy that Hugo fell backwards.

"I think I need 10 times more leg muscle to wear these," Hugo frowned.

"Not only that, but you also need to grow into them," Axel chuckled. He took the big boots off his little brother's feet and helped him put on his own boots.

Sofia gave Hugo her gift. Hugo removed the paper and ribbon, and when he opened the guitar case, he was amazed by the beautiful guitar.

"Wow, it's beautiful," Hugo gasped.

Hugo took the guitar out of the case, put the strap over his shoulder, and played a little music with his new guitar. Everyone was surprised at how beautiful the guitar sounded.

"Wow, that sounds very beautiful for a homemade guitar," Hildegard snorted.

"Hildegard!" James snapped.

"Sofia, you made this?" Hugo gaped.

"Yes, it took me five months to make," Sofia revealed.

Hugo was touched; he put the guitar back in the case and hugged Sofia tightly. "Thank you, Sofia," he sighed. "You're the best."

Everyone was touched by how much Hugo appreciated Sofia's gift. Hildegard was a little jealous.

Samira gave Hugo her own gift. She had given her youngest son a brand new pair of enchanted ice-dancing skates. Hugo thought this was a strange gift—winter was over, and now it's spring. But it's the thought that counts, and he couldn't complain.

"Thanks, Mom," Hugo smiled, hugging his mother.

"You're welcome, honey," Samira grinned.

"Okay, folks, let's move out, and bring your skates with you," Garrick instructed.

Everyone picked up their skates and followed Hugo's family. Hugo thought this was the weirdest birthday ever. First, he forgot his own birthday, then his mother gave him ice-skates, and now all his friends have their own skates with them. He didn't think today can get any weirder.

Sofia the First: All in a Heart's WorkWhere stories live. Discover now