Window - V

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There I was, laying on my bed on a Sunday evening. My biology book was beside me, ready for me to read. Luckily me being the worlds best procrastinator, I'm was doing my homework the night before it's due.
"Arrgghhh I'm too lazy for this!!" I said to myself, slightly disappointed that I couldn't get myself to read the simple four pages, that I needed to.
While lecturing myself in my head, I scratched the mosquito bite on my leg.
Then I heard a sudden noise from my window.
"Holy moly!" I yelled out, as I jumped from the shock.
I looked out and tried to see where the noise came from.
Nothing? Probably just a branch or something then.
I thought to myself, while I placed my book on my lap and scratched the mosquito bite once again.
"Dang it" I cursed, as I found out I had scratched a bit too much and now tiny blood drops started showing.
The noise came again and I quickly looked up.
Right outside my window.
I saw something, I'm sure of it.
But I wouldn't call it something, more like someone. Freaked out, I back away and focus on my window, trying to catch a glance of the mysterious someone again.

After five minutes of waiting and intense staring, I gave up. I finally got myself together and started reading the first page in the book. Half way through the first page, I found myself reading the same line over and over again. Having a feeling of someone staring at me, as shivers ran down my spine and my heart started beating faster.
I looked up, as quick as I could.
A person. Right outside my window.
He was staring right through my window, staring right at me. I couldn't help but stare back and try to get a good look at his face.
He looked beautiful.  Almost like an angel.
I found myself caught in a trance, slowly moving closer to my window, instead of backing away. My heartbeat went faster, as I got closer. Then he smiled. A shot of butterflies hit my stomach and a blush crept its way up to my cheeks.
Then I realized.
What the heck am I doing! He's a stranger standing outside my window! Why the hell am I getting butterflies now! Stop it, stop stop stop..
I froze at the thought, not moving closer to the beautiful man outside my window. He noticed and stopped smiling.
He moved closer to my window and put his hand against the cold glass.
I didn't realize my hand moved it's way to the glass too, until my skin met the surface.
I blinked a couple times, trying to process what's happening.
But then he was gone. There was nothing to see outside, but darkness.
Disappointment hit me and the butterflies died. My room felt colder and more lonely than ever.

I tried to brush it off and picked up my book. I began reading again, as there was nothing else to do, but my thoughts kept going back to that man.
Deep in thought, a presence of someone sneaked its way to me. I looked to my left and the mysterious man was laying right there on my bed. He was laying like a little kid getting told a story, laying on his stomach, using his elbows to support and hands under his chin, as he stared at me with a little smile on his lips.
"Who are you?" I whispered, pointing at him, not believing my eyes.
He just kept staring at me.
Rain could be heard hitting my window, in the background of my pulse beating loudly in my ears.
"Did you come in because it was going to rain?" I asked, while looking down at my hands.
"It would be a great excuse right?" A delicate and deep voice answered.
My eyes got the same size as teacups and looked surprised at him.
"Wh-a-a.. Yo-ou.. Uhm" I stuttered out.
"It does get kinda cold out there, it's a nice change to be inside this time!" He said cheerfully.
"You've been here before?" I asked, still not believing this situation. He simply nodded and rolled onto his back. He was laying there, in his dark red sweater and black jeans, but no shoes.
"Where's your shoes?" I asked, trying to get an answer to my curiosity.
"In this situation you ask where my shoes are?" He spoke with an amused smile.
"Sorry, I was just curious" I apologized, feeling awkward.
He quickly sat up and scooted in front of me.
"Nonono don't be sorry! I left them at the entrance hehe" He quickly said and took my small hands in his big ones. They were cold, but yet comforting. Then I realized.
"You're cold! You must have been out there for a while, here's a blanket! Do you want tea? Is there anything you want?" I panicked, while hurriedly wrapping a fluffy blanket around him.
He chuckled and took my hands again.
"I'm always cold, don't worry about me, your hands are cold too. Here" He spoke softly and was about to hand me the blanket back.
I don't know why, but I just couldn't help myself, so I just hugged him. Leaning forward, wrapping my arms around his torso and letting my face get hidden in his chest.
"Is this better?" I whispered, not daring to look up and show my pink cheeks.
He didn't answer, but instead laid down on one of my pillows and took me with him. I got placed on his chest, laying still, afraid to move or say anything. He raised hand and calmly placed it on my head and began to stroke my hair. I completely relaxed in his arms, feeling sleep slowly take its power over me.
I looked up at the handsome man, trying to take in every detail. I noticed his eyes shining, but I couldn't hold my own eyes open anymore and gave in to the sleepiness.
"You can call me V" He whispered.

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