Missed train - Yoongi

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Here I am again.
Running full speed, trying to catch the train once again.
My quick steps echoed in the empty halls of the train station.
I ran down the stairs, feeling my bag bouncing and the strap slowly trying to creep its way over my shoulder.
As my feet finally met the beginning of the platform, the train moved its way away from me.
I rested against one of the many pillars at the platform, seeing my breath creating a small cloud, that quickly faded out and got replaced by another.

"Not again" I voiced my thoughts and annoyance.

I found a bench and slumped down, letting a disappointing sigh out, while glaring at the ground, being mad at myself.

"Missed the train again?" A voice spoke up right beside me.

I jumped up, shocked about this human sitting right beside me without me noticing.
I swear he wasn't there when I sat down seconds ago. Is he not human or something? I thought to myself, starring at the man beside me.
He lifted one of his eyebrows with a smirk on his handsome face, trying to get an answer from me.
I blushed, realizing how stupid I must've looked. I cleared my throat and pulled myself together.

"Yeah, it happens quite a lot for me, but how did you know?" I asked and made the same face as he did earlier, a lifted eyebrow and a playful smirk on my face.

"I saw you run through the train station and heard you say 'not again'" He answered calmly.

"Oh" Was all I could voice out, feeling more embarrassed than before.

"Wait, give me five minutes, I'll be back, don't go anywhere okay?" He suddenly burst out and he quickly stood up from the bench. I just nodded in reply.

Five minutes of boredom later, I heard footsteps on the platform and looked up. He walked towards me, as his small, quick breaths made white clouds, looking like he rushed to get back here. I noticed he held two cups of something hot, since I could see steam coming up from them.

"Here you go" He said and handed me one of the cups. The moment I had the cup between my hands, the warmth spread slowly trough my freezing fingers and first then I realized how cold I was.

"I didn't know what you would like, so I just got what I normally get, I hope you like hot chocolate" He gave me a goofy smile and I think a small blush made its way to both of our faces.

"Thank you" I thanked with a small voice.

"I guess we both missed the train?" I asked, looking at the tracks, feeling a bit sad about missing the train for the seventh time this month.

"No, I just always come an hour early" He answered like it was nothing. My eyes widened a bit and I looked at him questioningly.

"You seriously come an HOUR early?!" I couldn't help but sound surprised.

"Haha well I was like you, often running late, missing the train occasionally. So I thought if I try to be here to the first train, then I don't have to worry about missing the next. Plus I like to just sit and have a break. Please don't be creeped out about how I know we were alike" He said, suddenly showing a bit nervousness. I just simply nodded, telling him to go on.

"I've seen you run trough the train station a couple times and waiting at the platform, since I take the same train as you. But hey, who wouldn't look when a cute girl runs frantically around" He explained with a chuckle, but then realizing what he said, his eyes got big and face red.

"I'm so so so sorry, that so creepy. Omg I just made this so much more awkward. I'm such a creep" He began rambling on. All I could do was laugh at how cute and funny he looked, and I my eyes soon watered from laughing too. He stopped rambling and looked at me, probably wondering if I was crazy or not.

"You should have seen your face!" I said between laughter. He laughed with me and the red face of got, calmed down, only leaving a small tint of pink on his cheeks.

"I'm Yoongi by the way, I thought it would be nice knowing the name of your stalker" He said jokingly and holding his hand out for a handshake.

"Hi stalker  Yoongi, nice to meet you" I answered with a giggle and shook his hand.

After that day, I always came an hour early.

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