Chapter 23

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I'm sorry for not posting this for a long time,but I couldn't write,to be honest.I had inspiration yesterday so I wrote new chapter,but it's short,on the weekend I'll write longer,now enjoy! :)x


We took things out of the trunk and headed for the beach.They took half an hour for  autographs and pictures for fans.While they were signing autographs Vanessa,Anne,Perrie,Beth and me headed to a little secluded part of the beach where there is literally no one except sand, sea, stones..I threw the bag on the sand.Suddenly I saw that the boys were setting tents.

''Tents?'' I ask confused.

''Tonight is our night woohoo.'' Harry yelled.

''How long do we stay?''

''Tomorrow we go back.'' Beth answered me.

''Okay.Since mom and David are coming tomorrow so we have wait for them.''

''Are they coming? Tomorrow?''

''You were talking with my mom and yo don't know Beth?''

''OMG I didn't say to my dad.''

''For Niall?''

''Yes.'' She said slowly.

''It's good you said my mom about me,but you didn't tell for yourself,right?''

''What could I do when she asked me to say?''

''And you poor,you could not hang up like there's no signal?''

''You're boring!'' Harry frowned.

''Ah,we love each other.Right,Beth?''

''Yes Dani.'' We hugged each other.''Where are Liam and Louis?''

''Turtles!!'' I heard a voice from a distance.

''I think you know now.'' Perrie said to me laughing.''Go find your boyfriend or we'll have a house full of turtles.''

Time passed very quickly.I finally found someone with whom I can share my happiness and sadness.I did not think that an ordinary city like London can be so much more to it . Sister for whom I always yearned ..Friends who are always there for me and who always encouraged me and,most importantly,gave me the love that I finally have .

He handed me him.Who is always there for me.Who makes me laugh every time,even when I do not want to laugh.Who shared with me and the sadness and happiness.Who... Who loves me just the way I am.Who I love so much.I love him to the skies and more,more,more.To infinity.It was something that happened to me in my life and that remains forever in my heart.He's the one..

Slowly,the night fell.The sky was full of stars.Liam and I went for a walk.We held hands as we walked along the coast.I think he is walking on the beach,and I'm thongs held in one hand while I was walking through the water by the waves gently lapping the shore.It was wonderful.Over bathing I wore a summer dress.

''You know what's better than all of this?'' Liam asked me.

''What?''  I did not understand what was meant by 'all this' but okay.

''Well that person is currently next to me ..''

''Yes ..'' I put on big smile.

''I hold her hand ...''


''And I do not let it get away from me because I love her most in the world.''

''And she loves you the most.''

''You think so?''

''I don't think,I know it.''

He laughed and turned to me.He moved closer to me and slowly merged his lips with mine.What else could I ask for?I already have the most important person in my life..And he's next to me..




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