Diana Gutierrez
Spelling Words
brilliance bri/li/ance to be very smart
accustomed ac-cus-tomed customary or usual
acquisition ac-quisi-tion an object bought or obtained
adolescent adole-scent a child developing to an adult
applicant ap-pli-cant one that applies for something
amateur a-mat-eur person who engages in art
antidote ant-ti-dote a remedy that gives relief
apology a-pol-ogy a formal justification defense
architect ar-chit-ect to build or construct a building
bachelor bach-e-lor an unmarried man
belligerent bel-li-ger-ent inclined or eager to fight
biannual bi-an-nual something that occurs twice
accomadate acco-m-adate to do a kind favor