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A/n: in every chapter there will be a bit of the last chapter to go over I guess a recap you could say. But without any further a due here is the story.

I sit next to him and he smiles at me and jumps into my arms "I thought  yesterday was a dream hongbinnie" he kiss me but I do not kiss back and I guess he realized that too "what happen" i knew I had to ask him "will you leave sungjae for me even if he ever purposed to you would you give up what you had for me" he looked torn and that is all the answer I needed, I got up "wait please" he grabs my arm "please give me time hongbin I love you both" I was hurt by him again "you can't have us both hyuk and I made a sacrifice and I broke up with her for you will you do the same for me because I love you hyuk" I couldn't stop crying "I didn't ask you too" he looked at me and that was all the answer I needed he would not leave sungjae and I respect his choice "I understand and now I have to let go hyuk" and I was destroyed "please hongbin let me figure things out" he tries to fix the damage that has been made "if you love me hyuk then you will let me go because that is what I am doing" I hope we can get things back to how it was just best friends and hyung / dongsaeng relationship.

I hope things are salvageable and not ruined "I have to go hyuk I have work to go too" I kiss him for the last time it is my turn to walk away.


7 months later:

Hongbin's P.O.V:

I woke up again in someone else's bed I got to stop having one night stands, but they are too fun, after that whole entire hyuk fiasco I changed I am no longer the flower boy hongbin, no I am I guess you could say heart breaker hongbin I don't care about anyone feelings unless you are my friend. I go out and get drunk and find anyone I can sleep with after hyuk accepted sungjae proposal I haven't been the same, I get up from the random strangers' bed and get dress so I could get out of here. I never go back for sloppy seconds and maybe I grew a bit conceited, I walk out of the door and head for the dorm to take well needed shower because I must look good after all, I didn't get here by talent after all. (I think hongbin has talent don't get me wrong it is just hongbin in this story has become a major jackass.)

Back at the dorm:

Hyuk's P.O.V:

I woke up yet again to an empty bed across from me, I did this too him and I feel terrible I just don't know how to leave sungjae he has done nothing but love me and I owe him a lot. There are somethings the members don't know about me that only sungjae knows like depression and A.D.D there was a moment in time where I just couldn't live with myself anymore and so I decided that I had nothing left until sungjae came to my rescue. But I don't know if I love him anymore or if it is a sense of I owe him my life that is why I stay because I am afraid if hongbin or any of the members knew they wouldn't love me anymore they wouldn't care about me anymore.

I was mainly afraid of what hongbin had to say because hongbin is different he had become important to me more than sungjae and I didn't know how I felt about that it scared me to think that I loved someone that was the definition of perfect, I didn't want him to hurt me but I guess it was the other way around. I am such an ass, I love him still but I think the hongbin I love is gone that hurts me more, I was heartbroken to know that he isn't my hongbin anymore he avoids me and doesn't acknowledge me unless it is in front of the camera's. I miss him
"Crash" I was brought back to reality to find hongbin all ruffled and I could tell he has a hangover, like a good person I grab from my nightstand some pain killers "hey hongbin hyung do you want some pain killers" he looks at me and takes them without a word but I deserve the cold shoulder after what happened, I am sorry hongbin I wanted to say so bad but he doesn't care anymore. "Thank you hyuk-ssi" he acknowledged me, I look at him and nod my head we just went on with our day.

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