Diana Portillo
accustomed acc/ust/umed customary or usual
acquisition ac/qui/si/tion an object bought or obtained
adolescent ado/le/scent a child developing to an adult
amatuer ama/tuer person who engages in art
annoyance annoy/an/ce the state of being annoyed
antidote ant/i/dote a remedy that relieves
apology apol/ogy a formal justification defense
applicant appli/cant one that applies for something
architect arch/i/tect to build or construct a building
asterisk as/ter/isk a star shaped figure
bachelor bach/elor an unmarried man
belligerent bell/ig/er/ent inclined or eager to fight
biannual bi/ann/ual something that occurs twice
brilliance bri/lli/ance the state or quality of being smart
accommodate ac-com-mo-date to do a kind favor