My Best Friend's Letter

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I was cleaning out my room before heading off to college when I stumbled upon my High school Yearbook. Of course signatures were everywhere and all my fellow classmates' pictures were plastered all over. So typical.

I went through it for old times sake. Laughing along the way when I saw pictures of our senior year pranks on all the teachers and some snap shots of the senior labels for my class.

That was kind of a little picture column we made for the 'Best Groups' in class for our last year, like 'Most adorable couple', 'Nerdest Nerd', 'Most Popular' and the list goes on and on.

I rolled my eyes when I saw Alex Crawford voted as "Most Popular." Totally typical. He was Captain of our Football team after all. Haha.

I continued until I reached the part with each individual photo of students. I was just skimming through them until I came upon one photo in particular but a big envelope was blocking my view.

I took it out, I saw that it was a normal white envelope and my name was written neatly across the back.

So I opened it and began reading..

   Dear Annie,

        I am well aware that by the time you read this I would be long gone. By not telling you this something that I've been meaning to tell you for a very long time, has been eating me up on the inside. I just had to let you know but as you can see here, I was too chicken to tell you myself so hence this letter. And yupp, you guessed it right. I slipped this letter into your Yearbook before you went home last day for school. Sorry 'bout that. Anyways let me begin..

When I first met you, I just knew we would share a special bond.

It was the first day of Kinder garden.

I remember that day like it was yesterday. I was sitting by myself for the first half of the day until recess. You came and sat down next to me on the bench.

You gave me a huge smile and said, "Hey, aren't you that boy that made the pretty paper sail boat in class?" I nodded. You started giggling and continued, "I think its cool! Here, take this. You look kind of sad." You took my hand and placed a little paper light blue rose in it. I smiled.

"You wanna be friends? We can play all the time, you know. So do you?" You asked.

My smile grew and I became excited. "Yes!"

You were my first friend. 

And from that moment on I just knew that we would be inseparable.

You were the first person to ever notice me that day and we became friends. And soon after, best friends.

We were together all the time.

All those times when we were over at each others' houses and from playing in my tree house in the back yard, swimming in the pool during summer, practicing to bake cookies with my mom to growing out of childish ways and doing school projects together, studying and just goofing off about so-called major problems that we thought were more worse than the end of the world when really, it was just us being typical whiny teens.

I remember that all through Elementary and Junior high, that even though we went through our awkward stages, we still held strong together because during that time, I remember how rumors were all kids runned by and what kind of friends you had, made others judge you enough to see fit if you were worthy of climbing up that popular food chain. How cliche.

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