The Signs as PATD music videos
Aries: Build God then We'll Talk (also known as "porno mime")
Taurus: Lying is the most fun (the fish people)
Gemini: 9 in the Afternoon (basically the black parade)
Cancer: This is Gospel (who knows what's even happening in this video tho)
Leo: Emperor's New Clothes (a good person turned evil tho)
Virgo: Ballad of the Mona Lisa (likes to figure out mysteries)
Libra: Girls/Girls/Boys (also known as 3 minutes of make Brendon Urie)
Scorpio: LA DEVOTEE (the new one that is for Satinist)
Sagittarius: I write sins not tragedies (basically is awesome and destroyed a wedding but whatever)
Capricorn: Death of a Bachelor (classy af)
Aquarius: Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time (parties and then is killed by a squid monster)
Pisces: Victorious (the one where Brendon is a tennis player)
RandomYou like zodiacs, i like zodiacs.... what are you still reading this for?? Go read the book!!!