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While everyone got in the car ..
( J- Jovani S- Samantha )
J- Hey im sorry about her coming i didnt even know she was coming to start with
S- Its fine i guess...
J- Come on dont be that way
S- What way Jovani, im pretty sure you would be mad if my old crush came !
J- Come on its not like i like her anymore i have you now!
S- Yeah okay but back in the house you said we were just "friends"
J- I didnt mean it like that
S- Sure whatever
*end of conversation*
While everyone was in the car it was silent. Julian was driving, Racheal was sitting in the passenger seat, Samantha was sitting by the door Jovani was in the middle, and Maria was sitting by Jovani and Selena was squished by the door. All Maria kept doing was taking pictures with Jovani and putting it on her snapchat she would put captions like ," Im back with an old friend ! ❤️❤️" and " Isnt he so cutee ! 😜❤️" Samantha was mad so every time Jovani would try to say something to her she would ignore him.
*30 mins later*
They arrived at olive garden (thats where they decided to go for dinner) Selena was jealous   because Julian and Rachel were sitting together. Samantha was still mad but she talked to Jovani.
Maria: So how is everyone?
Jovani: Its been good since i have Samantha now
Samantha blushed , but Maria looked mad and jealous.
Samantha: Yes its been good because im with Jovani we do have some fights here and there but that doesn't mean i dont love him still.
Jovani: aww
Samantha: oh shut up that doesnt mean you dont still get on my nerves
*everyone laughed*
Maria: Oh well did Jovani tell you about how me and him met it was so cute
Samantha: No he didnt tell me
Maria: oh well in that case ill tell you , so it was in kindergarten and i couldnt get straw into my juice box so then a little boy which was Jovani came and helped me, it was so cute, hes so cute
*Samantha roller her eyes*
Samantha: YES i know right hes MY little cutie
*Maria gets jealous*
Jovani: Well i think its time we leave its getting late
Everyone decides to leave and goes to the twins house.

A/N : I hope yall are enjoying my story sorry i dont post a lot i have school and homework and sports and its stressful but i will be posting more and longer chapters ❤️

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