Avoidance || Loki Laevatein

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   "I love you, Loki."

      Those words echoed in his mind as he sprinted out of the forest in search of you. He just didn't understand it. Why had you been avoiding him? Why weren't you hanging out with him? Did he take his pranks too far? Were you going to abandon him, too? He couldn't let that happen. No! The god had to have an answer. He had to have closure.

      You two had spent so much time to together beforehand. Honestly, you were the new light of his life. With you and Balder around, Loki felt like there was nothing he couldn't do, which was funny considering he originally disliked you. A lot.

      Both of you would always argue over what you wanted to do for the day. Loki always offered pranks as a good way to spend the day. You weren't against a good prank every now and then, but you felt that playing pranks on people every day was going a little bit overboard. The fact that Loki chose to play pranks on Balder every single day made you worry about how long their friendship would last, so you were near constantly asking Loki to give Balder a break and do something else for a while. ...He took that to mean "play pranks on me, instead," and that's how you became one of Loki's favorite targets. To your surprise, you only became more fond of him after that (despite how annoying his jokes could get).

      Before long, you had confessed your feelings to Loki. Honestly, that was probably the scariest moment in your life. "What if he doesn't like me?" you thought. "I'm going to ruin our friendship!" These thoughts and more haunted your mind like ghosts out seeking justice for their deaths. And yet... He accepted your feelings. Not just accepted, either! He returned them. To say you were happy is an understatement.

      Since then, you two had been together. You stayed by each other's side through thick and thin.

      So why? Why were you avoiding him? Loki just couldn't figure it out. It worried him, and he couldn't take the loneliness. When it finally became too much, he began desperately searching for you. You weren't in your usual, favorite spots, and neither Balder nor Thor claimed to know where you were. Had something bad happened to you? The fire god couldn't stomach the thought of you being scared, hurt, or in danger. He didn't want to think about anyone causing you harm. He didn't want to think about any of this!

      "[Y/N]!" Loki called out as he scoured the Norse realm. "[Y/N]! Where are you? I've got a nice, big piece of candy for you~!" he sang, hoping to lure you out with his usual happy attitude. When there was no answer, his happy expression dropped, and the god began to panic. "Oi! Come out already... If this is supposed to be a joke, it isn't funny, y'know!"

      Once more, there was no answer. Loki clenched his fists and let out a shaky breath. "Why did you disappear on me...? Did I go too far? I'm sorry," he whispered, although by this point, he was sure he was just talking to himself. He could feel the start of tears welling up in his eyes. This was so frustrating! He worked so hard to get close to you. He did everything he could to make you happy, and yet... Why did this have to happen?

      Caught up in his own thoughts and emotions, the red head didn't even notice a smaller figure approach him from behind.

"L-Loki?" That soft voice...

      Loki's eyes widened as he recognized the voice. He wiped his tears away and turned to face the one who had called out to him. You were standing there, arms behind your back as if you were hiding something from him. "Are you okay? I went to your home to talk to you, but you weren't there. When I asked Thor and Balder about your whereabouts, they said you had gone out to look for me." The god could tell from your tone that you were concerned for him. You were worried about him. But wasn't he the one who was supposed to be worried?

      "I-I'm sorry I haven't been around much; I was... Well, the truth is that I wanted to surprise you with something, but I'm not..." There was a pause as you took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself. "I wanted to make you something and surprise you, but I'm not great at making things by hand. E-even so, I still tried!" You removed your arms from behind your back and revealed a small present. "Just take this, and don't laugh, okay? I-I tried really hard to make something nice, so it would hurt if you laughed at my efforts."

      He took the present from your hands and stared at it, then he looked back at you, dumbfounded. "You avoided me all this time... because you wanted to surprise me?" his voice was small and quiet. You gave a small nod and opened your mouth to speak, but before you could say anything, you found yourself in Loki's arms. He squeezed you in a tight embrace and murmured a "thank you" just before letting go of you and smirking.

Oh, no, not that smirk. I recognize that look!

      "We~ll now! Let's have looksy at what my woooonderful darling has made for the great Lord Loki, hmmm~?" Maybe he was trying to hide the fact that your behavior had scared him, or maybe he was truly that easily comforted. Whatever it was, you were just glad he seemed to be back to normal.

      Seeing Loki's overjoyed face after he opened his present made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and you felt yourself fall in love with him all over again.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2016 ⏰

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