Brothers Keeper

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Josoo (Jays sister)  POV

I was cleaning up my house because I was expecting my boyfriend . I was making the bed when I heard the doorbell ring . Who could that be Justin isn't coming until 8 . I opened the door to see my brother Jay . He looked so sad . I told him to come in . As he was walkin in I asked him what's wrong . He looked at me with a pain look on his face . When he told me the story we started to cry together because I know how much he loved Kiesha . I asked him why in the hell would she do that . He said I don't even know she said because I'm never home and she gets *lonely*.

I checked my phone and it was 8 o'clock . Justin knocked on the door and I started smiling . He dapped Jay up and gave me a big kiss . I looked at Jay and saw that he was feeling alone . I whispered in Justin's ear and said Jay is feeling kinda down . Justin went to go check on Jay while I made plates for everyone since I had already made dinner.  When I got back Justin was giving Jay some advice. Jay said thanks ate and left. Thanks fam is what he said before he left .




Tell me what you think guys :)

kik me some suggestions @trill_kidd21

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