the knife

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this is my first story im publishing on wattpad so i'm still getting used to it .If you like comment and i'll continue on the story if not thats ok to it just means i have to work even harder. thanks

Chapter one

death on the horizon

I dug the knife into my skin. Once again I get the surge of infinite power, but this time it's not enough. I want more, so the knife goes deeper, but still I need more so into the flesh my blade goes. I knew what was coming; the darkness. I was not afraid of the black, I welcomed it even asked if it wanted to stay. Even though I knew what was coming after the black, I was not afraid. I wanted death to come, I wanted to look it in the face and tell it to go to HELL. Only as time went by, death would not join me. The black was fully in, but death eluded me. I did not have the strength to dig the blade deeper so I had to wait until death wanted to see me. Finally after i saw death on the horizon, the screaming started. It was a loud, ear-splitting cry of piercing sadness. The screaming would not stop, so I woke from my slumber to tell the idiot to stop screaming so I could die peacefully. What I saw was no idiot, it was my best friend. She was trying to hold my wrist to stop the gushing of blood while trying to call 911 at the same time as trying to call my brother up from his cave in the basement. I woke only long enough to feel 100 pounds of guilt and to see my brother's face as he saw all the blood. The next time I woke up I was in the ambulance on my way to the hospital. I was barley able to move from the searing pain shooting throughout my body, but when I moved my head to see who was in the ambulance I saw two bodies that resembled my brother and my best friend. Only in their place I saw two blood soaked, tear stained bodies. I wanted to ask them how they had gotten so dirty, only my mouth didn't want to cooperate so my words sounded more like, “houu arrr ouu ohhh irvy.” the paramedic was quick to shush me and told me to save my strength. That was the last time I was conscious for a month. Apparently I had lost to much blood at home and the way to the hospital so my brain was oxygen deprived and I got stuck in a stupid coma. My brain would stick me into a coma yet it wouldn't let me die, how exceptionally dumb was that. The next time I woke I was in some sort of very uncomfortable bed. I could hear everything around me. The peter-pater of the rain on the window, the beep-beep of the heart monitor, but most of all I could hear the sound of light breathing. That sound scared me more than the raging storm outside and more than the tube down my throat. That sound was the sound of a deep sadness, I knew because I made that sound every day of my life. I tried to move, but wires and tubes coming out of weird places stopped me. Instantly the sound of the breathing next to my bed increased and got closer. Suddenly my dad was standing right over my bed petting my hair and saying it would be ok.  

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2013 ⏰

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