W I N N E R # 1

132 15 8

Name: Won Jina

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Name: Won Jina

- Ms grumpy pants
- Potato

Age: 20

D.O.B: 8/10/96

Nationality: Half Korean, Half American

Birthplace: Seoul

Hometown: Texas

Languages: Korean, English and Japanese

Second year of university
Majoring in home decoration

Face claim: Yezi (Fiesta)

- Witty
- Sarcastic
- Emotional wreck
- A little bit of an introverted
- Kind
- Easy going
- Chill
- Pessimistic
- Not at all gullible
- Insecure
- Messy

Love interest: Xiumin

Style: Comfortable clothes, mostly black

Ideal type: Someone who is neat and always honest
Somebody that love her just the way she is and somebody
Who don't care about romantic stuff

- Doesn't properly fold her clothes
- Sleep for only 3-4 hours
- Keeps her money under pillow

- Ice cream (I scream you scream gimme gimme that ice cream)
- Potatoes
- Dancing
- The sea
- Black things

- Warm temperature
- Romantic stuff
- Overprotective people
- Bossy people
- Children

- Hip hop
- Parkour
- Acrobatics

- Tends to fall asleep while reading
- Cracks her knuckles when she's nervous or irritated
- Whisper stuff only she hear
- Curse a lot
- Went through depression but improved a lot
- Has two best friends
- A dog name pupu
- Her parents live in China as they have a company there
- Lives alone

- Talking back wards
- Doing impressive acrobatics

If you fall down stand up dust off yourself and try again
You are not the first or the last one to failed

To be a successful home decorator


She was born in Seoul but her parents moved a lot so
she transfer to school after school and houses
but she settled down in Korea at the moment to study in university

Congratulations @despoinacoco

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