Chapter 5 part 1

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I left school with a new spring in my step; I couldn’t believe I had finally made a friend in school. Olivia gave me her number before I left so I could call her when I got home, and we could plan our revenge. It’s funny how this day turned out so bad then ended partly good. Well that was until I heard an unwelcome voice behind me.

“Hey Katy you need a ride?”

“No I’m fine thanks.” I turned and glared at Zane. He was in a dark blue Chevy pick-up truck, with a white stripe down the side. I could still hear the engine rumbling gently beside me. I tried ignoring it I didn’t feel like dealing with him right now.

“Katy what did I do wrong this time?”


“Then why won’t you get in?”

“Because I said I’m fine.” I heard him sigh then the noise was gone, I just kept my head down and continued walking. All of a sudden I heard a screech in front of me and I looked up just as a car was racing towards me and the driver slammed on the breaks. I couldn’t comprehend anything as a feeling of numbness fell over me…and I started screaming my head off.

The car stopped just short of my shaking frame and I realized this car looked familiar…It was Zane. As he got out my anger level was boiling over. I walked over to him and started yelling, barely able to control myself, “What the h*ll were you thinking?!? You could have killed me you @sshole!”

“I-I’m sorry” He stuttered. “I was just trying to get your attention; you wouldn’t even look at me. Plus I didn’t even hit you! I stopped in time.” As he calmed down his arrogance was coming back.

“You stopped in time? What if you hadn’t you could have…you could have broken my face!”

“Really Katy? Broken your face? Let’s not be drastic now.”

 His smirk was annoying the heck out of me.

“Will you let me give you a ride home now?”

“H*ll no! If I wouldn’t let you give me a ride home before, why the heck would I let you give me a ride home after you almost killed me?!”

“Katy, would you please just stop being stubborn and get in the dang car!”

I glowered at him, but I knew he wasn’t about to give up; I could see it in the glint in his beautiful emerald eyes. Crap! There my stupid hormone-crazed thoughts go again. I sighed and agreed, “Fine! If it stops you from trying to run me down, then I guess it’s my safest option.”

His smile grew huge and he ran to the side and opened the door for me. I was surprised with him until I heard his smart allic remark.

“Here you go me lady.” He said, voice dripping with sarcasm.

I just shoved him out of the way and stepped up into the truck, which was hard considering I’m only 5’2 and this truck was a beast. The only thing that made my decision easier was this was a Chevy, this lady isn’t gonna set foot in a ford. (No offense to ford lovers)

He got in and revved up the engine, oh man do I love the sound of that engine.

“I love the sound of it too.”

Oops did I say that out loud? My face turned bright red. “Uh yeah me and my grandpa used to work on cars together.”

“I love working on cars, maybe I could meet him sometime.”

 “He died a year ago.”

His face went blank. “Oh I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok.” I hated hearing those words from people. It always made me feel like I was just some sad little girl that people had to pity. I was through being pitied. I turned the radio on and turned it to my favorite station. A good song was playing so I turned it up louder, It’s weird it always seems like songs you always listen to sound better on the radio.

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