Part 4 1/4

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Taking a shallow breath Percy could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the blood rushing through his ears. He'd never felt this way before, well he has, just only with Annabeth. Just thinking about his girlfriend made him feel horrible about what he said doing but he couldn't help it. He didn't know what he was doing, he just knew he needed it. Although he knew it was wrong, seeing Jason like that made it als worth it, seeing his closest friend looking up at him from between his legs almost made him lose his mind.

Meanwhile, Jason felt almost scared, not because he was cheating on the girl he loved. But instead, because he was about to do something with Percy others could only dream of. Taking a breath, the blonde slowly removed the boxers from Percy. Revealing the package only Annabeth had taken ownership of before. But now, it was Jason's for the taking, a slow grin crept along his face as he made eye contact with the son of Poseidon. He'd been waiting for this moment longer than he'd realized, longer than he'd like to admit as either.  


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