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I've completely forgotten what's happened in WTLR (great writer right here) so I decided to read back through the most recent chapters and make a mindmap of what Sibuna know about the mystery so far and where I've gotten with certain subplots and I DON'T WANT TO GO ANY FURTHER THAN THIS PAGE I AM SO SORRY I PUT YOU ALL THROUGH THIS CHAPTER

I've completely forgotten what's happened in WTLR (great writer right here) so I decided to read back through the most recent chapters and make a mindmap of what Sibuna know about the mystery so far and where I've gotten with certain subplots and ...

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Those 12 pages will be the worst 12 pages of my life...

Except for the Walfie moments I just remembered.

Maybe I should just put a tick emoji next to what's happened in the book on my main mindmaps instead of this torture...

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