chapter 2

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*Still Ashton's POV*

Im on my way now to my school. I gotta walk today because i'm  saving up for a new pair of drumsticks for Christmas because my old ones are already crappy. Okay im back to nerd mode now, now that im here at school. "hey Ashton. Got someone to take to prom?" Calum greeted me. Okay, i nearly forgot about prom. "uhhh what?" i asked him, trying to process everything. "prom, man!" Calum exclaimed. "nah, i dont think i'll go" i said to him and started walking to my locker. "why?" he asked, never leaving. "im gonna study" i stated sternly. Sometimes Calum really gets on my nerves. "it's our senior year! Live a little Ash!" he shouted receiving weird stares from the people. He's got a point tho. "whatever you say man" i dismissed him and went to my first class--Physics. What a great way to start a day! I got to the classroom even before the bell rings. I like being punctual. The teacher starts his lesson about Momentum when Alison entered the room! Is this really happening? She's here, in the same room with me! And im so lucky today the only seat left was beside me and she took that seat. Great. Best day ever. "ugggh the formula is so wrong" i mumble as i put down my pen. "what?" Alison asked me, looking baffled. I mustve been thinking aloud. Fail, Ash. Fail. "what? Oh. Nevermind" i mumbled under my breath hoping that the ground just swallow me. The bell rang and everyone quickly left the room.

You want someone to take to prom Ash?

You must have the guts to ask Alison.

Nah nevermind, she probably already have a date.

Think positive Ashton!

Okay i've been talking to myself for too long and didnt realize Alison already left. I hate myself.

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