Chapter 4: Brink of Death

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With the aristocrats evacuated, the twins stumbled out of the dark passage blindly. A startle gasp escaped their mouth when cool breezes suddenly contacted their cheeks. They had reached the opening.

Laura and Laurence quickly scanned the tall trees beyond them, but couldn't find the light from the flambeau. The roaring fire behind them was too loud for them to hear the shouting of the nobles, if there was any. They exchanged cautious look, then nodded, a determination sparkling in their eyes. With only instinct as their guide, they ventured into the dense forest, quickening their steps as the intensity of the heat thickened. The burning palace crumbled behind them. Laurence involuntary squeezed his sister's hand and she did the same, but neither of them glanced back nor slowed their paced. A second too late and they knew they would have shared the same fate.

The twins were at a safe distance when Laurence loosened his grip and dropped on his hands and knees. He faced the the ground as he tried to calm his rapid breathing. Laura too buckled besides him, but her blank stare quickly refocused as her breathing calmed. The panting sound of her brother snapped her attention. It was then she realized his breathing was not normal. Still, his entire body was quivering. A new kind of panic rushed in. Abrutly, she held Laurence's cheeks and forced him to meet her eyes. His eyebrows crinkled as he indistinctly tried to focus on her, his eyes dilated.

The heat radiating from his body could warm the chilly air, and yet cold sweats rolled down his forehead. His face burned with flush of fever as he breathed in short, fast puffed. His face contorted in pain with each gasp, as if breathing was a burden. Something was not right. He could not possibly be feverish all of a sudden. "No..." she uttered in a croaked voice, shaking her head. ", don't tell me..."

"P-poison." he managed to croak. "Wine at dinn–" Before he could complete his sentence, the shaking overwhelmed him, and his body collapsed.

"Laurence! Laurence!" she yelled on impulse, her desperate tone slipped unchecked. She quickly leaned him against a tree and shook him hard.

His eyelids half-opened but didn't look up at her - or rather, didn't have the energy to - but his face softened. "You're...noisy..." he muttered, his voice slurred. "I won' easily..."

Suddenly, his face twisted and looked as if life was sucked out of him. Laura felt her panic rising. "What's wrong?" Without a word, he abruptly pushed her with raw force. When she looked again, he was heaving heavily on the grass. His whole body shook violently under the impact, his hand barely withstanding the force. Her own face paled at the sight. She bit her lips and quickly rushed over and smoothed his back.

Bile continued to spatter persistently and showed no sign of stopping, even as the creamy pool of liquid turned clear. At one point, he did stop. However, he continued gagging, as if something were struck in his throat. And, with a loud, sharp intake of air, yet more acid gushed out of his mouth like a waterfall. Soon, his retching stopped but he continued to bend low on all fours. She could see his muscles contracting as he tried to catch his breath.

"Help me up..." he rasped, and she promptly pulled him up. She knew he would have collapsed if not for her support. She leaned him against the nearest tree and looked at him. He was not doing great. Saliva continuously dribble down his chin, to his chest, as if he could not control the drool. His once-bright attire was now drenched with vomit and dirt. His glassy eyes struck out of his pallid face, and he was barely conscious. But he was gasping desperately, swallowing empty air, as if he were not getting enough.

Words had failed her, so she reached out to his scorching hand. At her chilly touch, he blinked before his gaze focused on her. Countless emotions flashed in both their eyes, communication something only they could understood.

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