What's to come! (Sequel)

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"Leave me the fuck alone!" She screamed at no one as she broke down the white substance that she had just brought.

She sat up in a crack house. Her clothes were dirty, her hair was nappy, and she stunk....bad.

"Please forgive me baby. Please forgive me" she whispered putting the straw to her nose then sniffing hard.


After that one hit she started to repeat the process until it was gone.

"What the fuck are you looking at! Huh!" She yelled at the wall.

"Do I know you motherfucker?" She screamed "Do I know you!"

"Yo" she heard someone called behind her.

Whipping her head around she could see a young dude standing in the doorway looking at her. He was short, black, and ugly but he held her favorite thing in his hands....drugs!

"You want some?" He smiled stepping closer to her.

She stood on her knees nodding her head "I want it! I want it so bad"

"What you going do for it?" He smirked lifting her chin.

He thought she was a pretty dark skin thing.

"Whatever you want baby" she smiled.

Before he could speak another word he had fell over on top of her, a bullet in his head.

"Ahhhh! What the fuck!" She screamed jumping away.

"I told them dumb young niggas not to sell to you!"

She looked up with wide eyes "What you doing here?"

"Lets go!" He said sternly.

"N-n-no I'm not going" she replied shaking her head.

"Yo let's fucking go! I don't want to put my hands on you"

"Get the fuck out! I said no!"

He nodded before walking to where she jumped to and snatched her up. He knew she would put up a fight but he was bigger and stronger than she was.

"Let me go!" She screamed.

"Yo if you keep this up I'm going knock your ass out. Got me?"

She didn't say anything as she followed behind him.

He put her in the truck where a familiar face sat in the front seat.

"Hey" the girl said turning around to face her.

She rolled her eyes ignoring the girl before turning and looking out the window.

She could here the girl sigh in the front seat "Yeah fuck you" she mumbled looking out the window at the bad neighborhood she spent so much time in.

"Fuck all of you motherfuckers"


"Come to daddy" the guy cheesed picking up the little girl who had been fussy all morning.

"That's right mama, daddy got you now. You look just like me" he smiled.

Aubrey wanted so badly to speak up and say something but she knew it would cause her a ass whopping.

And she didn't want to get hit while she held her son in her hands.

"Give her to me. She's probably hungry" she said after placing her son down.

"Fuck out my face, I got her"

"Jaden give me my daughter!"

He put the baby back down before walking over to where Aubrey stood and pimp slapped her knocking her right on her ass.

"Bitch didn't I say I had her!" He yelled wrapping his hands around her throat.

She hit at his chest as he bent over her. Her face started turning colors as her eyes watered.

The last thing she heard before she blacked out was her babies screaming.


It's not much, it's only a glimpse of what's to come in the next book!

Y'all feeling it? Y'all excited? GET EXCITED!

I just have one question....


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