Fashion Show (3)

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NOTE: I changed the "-" for "" like most people wanted. I'll only fix the other chapters when I have the time, but from this one forward I'll use "" for dialogue.


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

I didn't have enough words that could describe exactly what I felt when I saw that woman step on the long Victoria Secret's Fashion Show catwalk. Camila Cabello metaphorically lit that place on fire; the whole audience went euphoric at the sight of the model walking down the runway to the sound of Selena Gomez's music. The young Latina was simply magnificent, and totally lived up to the status of best model in the last few years. There was not even one being in this whole world that didn't admire the way how she could be spectacular on the runways. Camila was incredibly beautiful; her long, wavy hair molded her so significant and unique delicate face traits, now very different from what I used to see years ago. She was the owner of a millimetrically perfect body, with modeled curves that left her with a sexy and youthful posture. The Latina also exuded confidence, power and charisma. It was as if she had been born for that, as if God with all his kindness had let that sweet angel come down to earth to bless our lives with her beauty.

I closed my eyes for brief seconds, when she crossed the middle of the runway. I was a few meters away from the woman who once was all I ever wanted. My throat was dry, and I felt my hands sweating. The nervousness that took over my body was devastating, as if everything there could suddenly go wrong.

"Is everything alright, Lauren?" Mrs. Owen asked with a curious look.

I just nodded quickly with a smile on my lips. No, I wasn't fine at all. I brought one of my hands to my forehead, where I slid slowly, I was sweating. I closed my eyes again, and pulled as much air as possible into my lungs, when the flashes of the spotlights and the people around began to murmur excitedly. I lifted my head and looked towards the center of the runway, and it was when my eyes met hers.


The wide and charismatic smile that was stamped on the Latina's face faded. And in a matter of minimal seconds I could see the shock clear on her face. That moment seemed to happen in slow motion; my eyes fixed on the woman's intense brown ones, throwing me abruptly into another dimension:

* I huffed for the third time in less than two minutes while I packed my books inside my backpack. Changing high school always made me incredibly angry. After having stayed almost four years in California, without the coming and going of a gypsy life, my father was transferred once again from his company, now to Miami. And since he couldn't live alone, our family had to move to this place. Even against my will, I had to join the rest of the family, losing everything that I was accustomed to in California, from friends, acquaintances, habits and my favorite places. My parents were totally against the idea of me living with Chris, my older brother, claiming that he was not fully responsible to take care of a seventeen year old girl.

The bell had already rung, and the rest of the students of the general history class had already almost completely left the classroom. From what I heard from a group of girls talking next to me, today there would be held a beauty contest in the high school, in which the only person I know in this whole place would participate. I met Veronica Iglesias last summer, during a company party in which our parents work, she was on a family trip in California, and with the same circle of acquaintances, we had the great opportunity to become great friends, even only having a little time for it. I pulled the zipper of the backpack, and put it on my back before leaving the classroom. I walked down the long corridors of the high school in the middle of the cluster of people who talked animatedly as they headed towards what I thought was the main gym.

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