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Lights on;

Lauren's smile could light up even the biggest room, that's what her girlfriend though whenever she saw it.

Currently Lauren was standing in the corner of the room, talking to Lucy and Camila couldn't help but stare at her.

It was a rare occasion that made Lauren wear a dress, the one that fit her body perfectly.

"You're staring."

"I know. How could I not?"

Camila chuckles to herself when she sees Troye rolling his eyes and walking away.

For a few more moments Camila's eyes never leave Lauren and she can't comprehend how can someone be so beautiful.

Camila's smile only grows bigger when she sees Lauren walking over.

"You've been staring at me for a while, thought I'd come over and say hi." Lauren says after a quick kiss.

"Hello." Camila giggles and Lauren's heart starts beating like crazy.

Lauren closes her eyes as she hugs the younger girl and for a moment everything is okay, it's just the two of them.

"Lucy asked if we want to join them later in the motel, a bunch of them is going."

"I already told Tori we are going baby."

And sure, it might have been almost six months since Camila kissed her for the first time, Lauren still feels the whole damn zoo in her stomach whenever Camila uses a cute nickname for her.

An hour later Lauren finds herself in a motel room full of her friends and it feels nice, it feels even better because Camila is hugging her from behind and Camila's touch is enough to get her drunk.

"You look so good."

Lauren suddenly feels like she's burning and she's not sure if it's because of the words itself or the fact Camila just whispered it to her while her hands were resting on Lauren's tights.

It's like something clicked for Lauren in that very moment. Camila is the one.

"I love you." Lauren says above a whisper before standing up and pulling Camila outside.

It makes Camila feel nervous because they talked about this a few times and she wants to make sure Lauren is ready.

Camila takes her time setting up the mood in one of the rooms they booked for the night.

Lauren kisses her neck as her hands nervously try to find the right playlist.

And then, it's Camila's lips against Lauren's and it's Camila's lips on Lauren's neck and Lauren's hands in Camila's hair and it's messy and both of them are so nervous but if Lauren was ever sure about anything in her life, it's this.

When Lauren tries to turn off the lights, Camila stops her. "I want to see how beautiful you are. All of you."

Lauren closes her eyes and gives her a slow nod in agreement.

Now, Lauren never liked showing her body but it just feels natural when Camila slowly starts taking off her dress.

And Camila's breath is caught in her throat because Lauren is so wonderful and she is so lucky and blessed to be a part of this.

Camila's shaky fingers trace imaginary art all over Lauren's skin and it's gentle and sweet, as if Lauren is made of a porcelain.

As the night goes on, both of them are being more and more sure in their movements.

Lauren is in awe whenever she hears Camila let out a soft moan and Camila feels like she just won a lottery whenever Lauren let's out a shaky breath or tries to hide a moan.

And as the night goes on and on Lauren discovers parts of Camila she never knew even existed and as the night goes on Camila finds herself being more and more in love with the older girl.

It's a mess, honestly. Lauren is laughing and Camila is giggling too much and their kisses are messy and sometimes their hands still shake here and there but Lauren wouldn't change a thing.

"I'm so in love with you." Lauren whispered before cuddling her girlfriend.

It's been hours since they left the party but Camila doesn't regret it even a bit, she hopes Lauren doesn't too.

There's a smile on their faces as they stay up the whole night, in each other's embrace as they get drunk in each other's words.

Camila is sure she could listen to Lauren talking all day. She could if the older girl didn't randomly fell asleep in the middle of the sentence.

In a situation like this there's nothing you can do except kiss their forehead, pull the sheet over your bare bodies and go to sleep just minutes before the sun comes out.

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