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"JOJI" Lou screamed

The short brown haired girl pushed the boy called Joji out of the burning house and out onto the yard

"LOU NO" Yelled Joji
"A few moments later a loud scream came from the house followed by the roof collapsing and that-" Joji took a breath and then continued "that's when I realized that they were all gone"

"I'm very sorry for your loss, it's hard to lose your parents." said the therapist

The boy looked up at the man in front of him and gave a half smiled

"Remind me why I'm here again?" Joji asked plainly

"George, losing family members that you were close to, especially parents can lead the child to a deep depression an-"

"Have I showed any signs of being depressed?"

"No, but your history shows-"

"Shows that I used to be sad. Never was I depressed."

"I understand that, we would just like to make sure of it. Now, how do you like it here so far?"

"It's awful. There is no reason for me to be here. I'm not what they say I am."

"That may be, George. But the tests have come back and confirm-"

"The hell with the tests. I'm not depressed"

"Yes, you've said that multiple times. We just feel like this is the safest environment for you at the moment. I know how hard it is to deal with the loss of your family. Here you can get back on your feet without.. y'know, hurting yourself"

"I think I'm done here."

The therapist sighed as Joji was taken out of the office by a nurse and led to his own room. Or "prison cell" as the boy would call it.
"Can someone please walk in here and shoot me" Joji yelled into his pillow

He had returned to his room and was now face down in his bed

"Me and you both" said a voice

"Who the bloody fu-"

"My name's Max, I'm a new patient here. You must be.." The brown haired boy that was supposedly called "Max" trailed off

Joji sat up on his bed to see the other boy with a clipboard in his hands and he was currently flipping through the papers attached to it

"Ah! You must be George Miller, preferably called Joji. 17 years of age. You are in here for depression, bi-polar disorder, and signs of schizoph-"

"Finish that sentence and I'll suffocate you." Joji snarled

"Hmm.." Max took out a black pen and started writing on Joji's information sheet "obvious anger management problems"

"Why do you have that anyway?" Joji asked

"Oh! The sheet with everyone's information? Yeah, I took it from the office last night when they brought me in here. The doctors and nurses were talking with my guardian so I snuck into the office real quick and shoved it up my shirt. Anymore questions?"

"Why are you here? In the asylum I mean..."

"Oh uh.. I had or have Bi-polar disorder. I am a bit more tame now, though. I'm getting better and that's all that matters. Also calling the hospital an "asylum" is a bit exaggerated, don't you think?"

"Oh, why are you back here if you're getting better?"

"I asked you a question and I would appreciate if you answered it, before I answer yours."

"Oh. No, "psychiatric hospital" is just what the outsiders call an asylum."

"I'm back here because I had a bit of an.. incident. My guardians suggested I come back here for a bit, until we're sure I'm getting better. Also fair point on the asylum thing."

Suddenly the two boys heard a nurse running and screaming down the hall


"Shit" Max mumbled under his breath "look I have to go, hold this for me?" Max handed Joji the clipboard and ran out of the room in attempt to make it back to his own before the nurses caught him

"What the hell?! Now, I'll be in trouble" Joji yelled loud enough for Max to hear while he was running

"Oh well!" Max yelled back

Joji sighed and flopped back down onto his bed.

"Just kill me already."

I hope that at least one person found this interesting. I've had the idea in my mind for a while, but I didn't know how I was going to work it out. So here it is 😊

Hope some of you will continue to read it!

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