I will always love you, even I done bad things.

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Ashley's POV
"NOOOOOO! MICHAEL! STOP!!!!!!!!!!!" He's currently abusing me. I can't take it anymore! I'm breaking up with him till he can calm down.  I don't want to, but it may give him a lesson.

Michael's POV
*stops & helps Ashley* "oh baby girl, you're so pretty!"

Ashley: babe.
Mike: what's wrong biker girl?
Ashley: I can't take this anymore. I'm done with you. I'm breaking up with you. *tears up*
Mike: no... Biker girl... Baby! *cries* you can't! I need you!!!! *begs on my knees* please! I will always love you!!!!!! *sings, while crying*
Ash: I can't the abuse anymore Speed Demon. *looks down at him*
Mike: *sobs* please! I'll do anything for you! I can't live without you! You're my world!!
Ash: did that teach you a lesson? If it did, we'll date again.
Mike: *nods* it did. I was paid for this day as well.
Ash: *gets shocked & kneels down to his height & jumps on him*

~3 days later, it was their 3 year anniversary~
Mike: *speeds, but gets pulled over*
Mike: *grabs my license & paper works, and money*
Police: *grabs Mike & arrests him*
Mike: wait no! I have a girlfriend!!! Today is our anniversary!!!!! *gets scared*
Police: last warning Jackson! *let's him go, but gives him a ticket*
Mike: *pays & drives the speed limit and goes to my girlfriend*

Author's note: I know that I probably flunked this chapter. My mom & I fought because my grades are going down. I'm getting them fixed. I just have alot of stress. Thanks for understanding! If this chapter didn't match with anything, let me know.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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