Ch : Two - Doorways

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We fallowed her out to the street expecting to see a car. She did not seem like the type to take a cab, but there was none. There was no cab ether and she did not stop to hale one. She just turned right and walked down the street. We fallowed behind her not shore where she was going. We did not know much about moms past but we did know she was not from New York. She never quite fit in around here.

“Where are we going?” I asked her.

She did not stop walking or even turn back she just kept walking.

“We will be there shortly.” Was all she said.

We hurried after her as she walked through the busy streets with ease. I could not help but notice how people seemed to part to make way for her as she walked by. Not one person came within a foot to her on either side. Not one person bumped into her which was strange, no impossible when you’re walking down the streets of New York. I could not believe that Arabella did not notice this. I had to give it to her thought she was desperately trying to push her way through the crowd to keep up.

I could not figure out where we were going. She told us that she did not live in the city but we seemed to be heading further and further into the city. Was she going to take us shopping or something before we go to her house?

“Fallow me, where almost there.” She said.

I looked around and all I could see where shops tall buildings and the subway. I was starting to think she was very weird.

She then started down the stairs into the subway. At least know she was starting to make sense. We were going to take the subway out of town. I really need to stop getting on her this way. I’m not normally like this. I’m normally trusting a lot more then my sister, but there is just something about her that felt strange to me. Something was just off.

“Fallow me.” She said as she started to walk through the station.

She walked rite by the plat form and just kept going.

“We’re are we going?” Arabella asked.

“You’ll see.”

I was starting to get angry at her. She would never just answer are questions. Why could she not tell us where we were going?

She finally stopped in front of a metal door at the end of the walkway. There was a big black and white sign on it that read staff only.

“I don’t think were supposed to go in there.” I told her.

“It will be fine.” She said as she pulled a key out from her pocket at unlocked the door.

“Why do you have a key to a door in the subway?” Arabella asked.

This time she did not even respond she just opened it and stepped through. I looked at my sister and she shrugged at me. I fallowed her in first and my sister quickly fallowed. We both looked behind us as the door closed to make shore no one else was fallowing us in. We both knew that we were not supposed to be here.

Once inside it was exactly what I thought it would be a break room. There was a little round table with four chairs around it in the middle of the room. There was a counter to our left with a sink, small fridge, and a microwave on it. To our rite was a snack massive. Everything looked normal except at the far wall directly in front of us there was a massive man. Four hundred pounds at the least. He was sitting at a desk in front of a door.

This door was not like any I have seen around town. It was huge, and was almost as tall as the room itself. It was oval in shape and made out of some sort of red wood. The guy who was sitting there did not say anything. He just looked form our aunt to us then back to her.

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