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Elliot hated the looks each of her four friends wore, like they knew something she didn't. Sure, she was glad they dropped the subject, but she go without those self-satisfied smirks they wore. 

She hated the feeling, but said nothing, instead focusing on her school 'lunch' (although she wasn't sure it could count as a 'lunch,' as Elliot was pretty certain that 'the parmesan chicken' today was just crusty, moldy bread dipped in a sauce that looked suspiciously like blood.) Needless to say, she didn't dare take a bite, especially since half the students have already thrown the concoction away, with more than a few students clutching their stomachs in pain. 

Unfortunately, Neil was not wise enough to not eat the suspicious-looking 'food'. "Uh this shit is awful," he screamed, clutching his stomach while unsuccessfully trying to spit out the lunch. 

The three laughed and shook their heads in mock exasperation. Only Neil would make the mistake of eating food that looked like mold in blood. Somehow between the convulsions Neil was currently having, he was able to shoot the three a glare and muttered sarcastically, "Thanks for the sympathy."

Before Elliot could shoot back a remark, of course, like all days, Chase and his goons just had to humor her with their presence to without a doubt, annoy the shit out of her. 

And due to her current mood, she had no qualms about beating the shit out of them. Although she didn't doubt that her friends would pry her off the four boys before she caused any permanent damage. Unfortunately. Briefly, she imagined smashing Chase's face inwards, his face distorted in pain and his cheeks layered with tears. Oh, who's tough now? she had always imagined saying before kicking the boy in the stomach before walking away, her face held up high. 

The strangest thing was that Elliot was far from violent, never really believing to use fists instead of words. 

But then again, that was before Chase's arrogant pretty-boy face paid the slightest attention to her.

Needless to say, she enjoyed being referred as 'the quiet nerd no one paid attention to' than as 'the violent bitch that hated Christmas'. Not that she didn't enjoy invoking fear into man-children, but she could go without all those stares and comments. 

Chase's deep voice interrupted her thoughts. "Ms. Claus! I brought you an early Christmas present!" 

How strange, she thought, Chase being nice. But she quickly dispelled that thought as she reasoned that he had probably sabotaged the present in some shape or form. 

"Go away," she muttered, her back to Chase and his wanna-be goons. 

"Don't you want your present?" Chase innocently asked, placing the wrapped present right in front of her, "Think of it as a peace offering." 

Peace offering? Peace offering my ass! In all the years she had the misfortunate of knowing the brown haired boy, she had never knew him as the type to 'surrender' or ask for forgiveness. Even when he 'accidentally' broke boy's foot during gym, he refused to apologize, saying that if 'wasn't his fault the boy was not coordinated in any sort of way.' There was no way he would be apologizing, especially to her. 

Definitely bad, she mused, thinking that the innocent appearance of the wrapped present had to have been sabotaged in some way or some cruel joke. 

"Fuck off, Chase," she responded, spinning in her seat to face him, "No offense, but I'd rather not see what 'wonderful' gift you have gotten me, as I am certain that I will either a) hate it, b) die of embarassment or c) end up murdering you. Although C doesn't sound that bad." 

Chase let out an exaggerated gasp, before putting his hand to his heart, "Ms. Claus, I can't believe you'd ever think so low of me!" 

Elliot rolled her eyes and snorted, ignoring the glances she got from the rest of the cafeteria and the stifled laughter she heard from her oh-so-wonderful-friends. She swore that they found anything that annoyed her, as hilarious. "Just go away. I'm certain that by the second, your presence is killing my brain cells in a less than healthy rate."

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