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Dans POV
I look around. "What the f-" Phil cuts me off. "What in the name of the queen happened!?" I stare in shock. Everyone's gone! I imediatley panic. "Holy shit! We're gonna be stuck here forever! No more bed! No more internet! This is the worst thing evar! AGHHHHH!" I take a glimpse at Jack and notice that he's slowly waking up. I signalled the others as we crept up to the body. "Ugh! Who are you people!" 'Jack' asked. "Uhhhhhh Jack?" Phil asked. "Well, nice to meet you Jack, I'm Anti. Antisepticeye."
Marks POV
Holy shit! Jack has forgotten who he is! He's now Antisepticeye! I thought to myself. I remember some fans on my channel making dark sides to Youtubers. I also remember Jack being Anti. That's what must've happened. The spider bite must've turned him into Anti. I must change him back, I want the old Jack back. I know it's literally only been 2 or 3 minutes but I miss him. I miss Jack. I look up to see Anti pulling out and playing with his.... Septic eye? Ewwww I think to myself as he plays around with it in his hands. It's green and looks kinda squishy? I watch Dan and Phil hold onto each other in horror. Of course, they know nothing. Anti notices and puts his septic eye back in its socket and looks around."So! Who really ARE you people!" Anti exclaims enthusiastically. I swallow my fears and start talking "Well I'm Mark, that's Dan and the pussy other there is Phil" Dan starts talking too, but this time in a different manner "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU AND WHAT DID YOU DO WITH JACK!?" Anti chuckles. "You see, I'm the dark side to Jack, I've over come his body and soul!" He says in a happy voice. He strides over to me, I can feel my cheeks getting red. "Of course I know YOU Mark~" Anti says while biting his lip. "Ya know, Jack's always had a crush you, he's just to much of a pussy to admit it~" He says looking at my body. This is going to be a hell of a trip I thought to myself. But still though, Jack liked me! Yaaaaayyyyy!!!!
I'm such a douche I thought to myself.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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