Doctors Fallen In Love

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"Dr. Khushi Kumari Gupta I want all my files about that patient in my cabin soon." Dr. Arnav Singh Raizada leaves the ICU ordering his intern.

Khushi goes near her locker and starts searching for the file while cursing arnav.
"Pata nahi kiss zamaane ke Laad governor rahe honge, jab dekho tab bas humkum chalet hain hum par" (Dont know which era's Laad governor is he. Always keeps ordering me)
She checks her locker for more files but they were no more.

Khushi gets shocked : Hey DM i left those files at home. Arnav sir will kill me now.

Saying this she starts roaming here and there in locker room.

Dr. Nandkishore eneters in. He is also a intern like khushi but working under other senior doctor.

He sees khushi roaming here and there with tension.

Nk: what happened khushi? Your looking tensed?

Khushi : Nk i forgot to get my files which arnav sir gave me yesterday to study.

Nk : what? Khushi how could you be so careless. Those were important files.

Khushi : yeah i know but morning arnav sir called me and told me to reach hospital soon. So in hurry I forgot.

Nk: ok listen, i will go to your home and bring the files. Till that u handle here okay?

Khushi : but Nk your work.

Nk : my working hours are over.

Khushi : thank you soo much nk.
Saying this she hugs him. He smiles.

Arnav was going through few files in his cabin. He checks for other file but doesn't find.

Just then khushi enters inside.

Arnav : Dr. Khushi where is the file?

Khushi : voh.. actu...actually sir file is in my locker.

Arnav : then should i write a invite for you to get that file?  *He shouts*

Khushi gets scared

Khushi : sir woh i...

Arnav : what happened khushi? Where is the file? *He asks in a normal voice seeing khushi scared*

Khushi : I am sorry sir, morning in hurry I left the files at home. But now nk has gone to get the files. He will be here in 10 mins.

Arnav gets up from his seat and goes near khushi.

Arnav : So Dr. Khushi tell me how many more years do you need to become a perfectionist. Its already been a 6 months since you have come under my wings but still not even a single change in you. Daily you do one or other mistake. Do even realise that your carelessness might even take someone's life too. Do u really wanna become a good doctor. Or wanna kill people with your careless and irresponsible behavior tell me. If you really don't want to change yourself then i guess its best if you quit. Because I dont want people with a hope of getting cured come to you and then loose there life.
*He says with a Stern voice*

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